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Information was just published in the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Club Newsletter concerning the use of "extended life" antifreeze in cars over 10 years old.

In a nutshell--don't do it!

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should an "Extended Life" antifreeze, which utilizes Organic Additive Technology (OAT, H-OAT, or N-OAT) as one of its chemicals, ever be used in our cars over 10 years old. It attacks the gaskets and gasket cements in our cars, causing major leaks and forcing ultra-expensive repairs. The "Silver Ghost Association" Rolls Royce people have documented massive cooling system failures apparently caused by this anti-freeze product.

Antifreeze that can be used safely in our cars uses older-fashioned Inorganic Additive Technology (IAT) additive.

You cannot tell by the color of the antifreeze if it's safe to use. Also, the product may be labelled "Safe for Older Cars"--meaning 10 years old at most. Brands to be AVOIDED are all Prestone lines and Zerex's G-05 in the Gold-color container. Avoid any "extended-life" antifreeze. None of us wants to pull and rebuild our cars' engines.

Acceptable brands are Peak, Peak's HD Product "Sierra," and Zerex Original Green in the WHITE container.

If any of the OAT, H-OAT, or N-OAT products are in your car the cooling system should promptly be drained--radiator and block-- the system flushed thoroughly, and IAT antifreeze installed. I am checking to see what's in my 37 Buick and 40 LaSalle. The Cord has none.

The article is in Newsletter LVII Number 8 2010. It will be posted on the ACDCLUB.ORG site in a few days in the newsletters section of the forum.


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Thanks for posting this. I was planning on doing some winterizing soon. I have some Walmart Super Tech Antifreeze/Coolant Extended Life up to 5 years or 150,000 Miles. It sounds like this is not to be used in the older vehicles. On the label it says: Contains ethylene glycol (107-21-1), diethylene glycol (111-46-6), sodium 2-ethyl hexanoate (19766-89-3), and sodium neodecanoate (31548-27-3). It says it can be used in ANY make/model.

Can someone verify that this is not to be used in our antique vehicles? And what ingredients should be on a label that can be used in our antiques?

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Hi Dave,

I don't have a scanner or I'd post the article, but it should appear in the ACDclub.com forum under Newsletters soon. If I can get access to a scanner, I'll post the article here.

The 5-year / 150,000 mile life of the product you have is the normal NOAT life representation. You can call the tech department of whoever made Walmart's antifreeze and ask if they use OAT-chemicals in their product, but considering the cost of an engine rebuild you might just do better to get Peak, Peak's Sierra brand, or Zerex Original green color in the WHITE jug.


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considering the cost of an engine rebuild you might just do better to get Peak, Peak's Sierra brand, or Zerex Original green color in the WHITE jug.


Agreed! There's no telling what the previous owner put in the cooling system, so I'll just replace it with the right stuff and distilled water.

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Perhaps I am just lucky but I installed extended life coolant in my '49 Super and '57 Roadmaster about 10 years ago and replaced it with fresh extended life coolant (Prestone Dexcool) about 5 years ago and to date have had no problems. I would be interested in other's experience with this coolant.

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Is this the equivalent of Dexcool that GM has used in their vehicles in recent years? If so I would not recommend this product. My 2001 GMC pickup came from the factory with Dexcool in it which over time has turned into a thick brown sludge. This occurred long before the recommended period to change the coolant had passed. From what I have read it is unwise to change the coolant from Dexcool once that particular product has been in use in a vehicle otherwise I would get rid of this stuff in a heartbeat.


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