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Engine identification ....


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Instead of swapping any V8 in my rusty 38 , I had the opportunity to find a 263 for a correct price .

The engine was in a 1938 Buick . Don t ask me why , instead of the 248 .

I ve tried to identify exactly what I have , so I found the number list here :

Buick Engine Identification til 1952

The problem is nothing match ...

What I have on my engine is : B 102 294

The carb is a Stromberg Aerotype AAUVB 267

The stamp on the engine is really clean , no doubt it s a B , not a 8 or a 3 .



Thanks a lot .


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The engine number you have given sounds more likely to be a casting number,

The number you are looking for should be stamped into a milled surface just in front of the distributor.

Follow the link and you will see a photo of a 1934 Series 40 Buick with a much later motor shoehorned in - so it can be done.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1934-Buick-4-door-Sedan-/120616231892?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item1c1549a3d4<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

Good luck with your project.

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nali, you are looking at the correct spot for engine #. BUT does not look like any factory stamped number I have ever seen. The didgets appear to be uneven in size and unevenly applied. Which leads one to think they have been changed. Perhaps by a rebuilder?? It is a '48 or later block, as evidenced by the motor mount pads on the side of the engine. If it is a 263, has to be a '50 thru '53.


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nali, I have a 1950 Super and a 1950 Special. Again this morning I have looked at both engines. I can find no visual differences. May be one, have not found it. But, knowing the Super has a 263 and the Special has a 248, I did a little measurement. I had noticed some time back the pushrod covers appeared to be slightly different width, also the gasket kit for the 248 had two sizes gaskets for the cover, different sizes. So broke out the tape measure!

The best I can measure the 248 pushrod cover is six

inches wide. The 263 is five inches wide.

So you have a 1948 or later engine, per the engine mounts.

If it is indeed a 263, it is a 1950 to a 1953, the last inline eight.

Hope this some help.


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My push rod cover is 5 inches , and the engine has already been identified as a 263 on teambuick forum . I think the fact that the water pump is not in the middle axis of the engine also shows it s a 263 .

I ve removed the head to check bore / stroke , but the difference between 248 and 263 is so small that I have to be more accurate while measuring ..

I was just wondering about the identification number , it seems it will keep on being a mystery :)

Or , as I said , maybe because the engine MAY ( not even sure of that ... ) come from Canada could explain the engine number is not like the US models ....

Thanks a lot .


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