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Unknown Speedometer

Bill Clark

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Bill: In order to post a picture on this forum, you must e-mail it to peterg@aaca.org.<P>He will then post it.<P>You have peaked my curiosity. There are many experienced regulars on this forum who will offer expertise/help.<P>Regards,<BR>Peter J. wink.gif" border="0<p>[ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]

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Actually it does not have to be peterg to post a picture. You need to up load your picture to some web server that you have access to. Then put a link to the picture in the post.<P>In this case, unless you are running a full time web server on your machine, it will need to be somewhere other than your C: drive....

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<a href="http://www.ply33.com/Misc/images/tf20011103a.jpg">tf20011103a.jpg" alt="Half Dome and our 1933 Plymouth" width="96" height="72" align="left</a>Given what is involved, it is a lot easier for people to email the photo to Peter. Peter has provided an invaluable resource in putting up this forum and it is very kind of him to go out of his way to post pictures for people too. However one or two pictures have been posted by other people than Peter. This is another. And it is also a link you can click on.<p>[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: ply33 ]

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Either way is fine with me... either send me the photo and i'll upload it and link to it, or you can upload it to your own choice of server and link to it there. Actually, the second is easier for me, i dont have to do a thing! smile.gif" border="0<P>Now.. what the heck is the source of that speedometer??<P>peter<p>[ 12-28-2001: Message edited by: peterg ]

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