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New 63...Fuel ?

Guest gordond

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Guest gordond

My 1st Riviera (63 - Very Nice!) delivered today. First advice needed (of probably more later...) is fuel . Manual says 99 RM octane. Get the highest I can...Octane booster? Lead substitute? Brands? Thanks from very excited new owner!

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Welcome aboard! You have my favorite Riviera, the unique 63! I would try the best premium you can find and go from there. The only octane booster I have ever used is 104+ and it worked well. Feel free to ask away, lots of help available here!


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Enjoy your new Riviera!

Another product to consider is Octane Supreme 130. This is a product with tetra ethyl lead and will boost the octane as well as add lead - or so they claim.

This is one place were it can be ordered via the web that I know of:

Octane Supreme130 12 Qts | BatteryStuff.com

If you have access to an community airport you can also purchase aviation gas which is 104 Octane (need to bring a can as most will not allow you to fill the car directly). 5 gals then fill the tank with a good high octane unleaded and no knock when set to the correct timing. The downside is $5 a gallon. But it works!

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Guest Gee_Rydes

Shouldn't you be able to run the lowest octane until the car starts to ping? Even that could be addressed with a slight change in timing. I usually will "test" a half tank at a time with a lower octane than the previous "good" tank. That way if she pings under heavy load, I have an empty half tank to average it out by adding some higher octane.

Maybe not the answer for the best "performance", but certainly a functional for driveability. If you were strictly trying to get the most power out of your engine, you would adjust the timing and use a higher octane fuel. The reverse should also be true.

Many times we run high octance when it is unnecessary and almost wasteful, I think. On newer cars, they actualy recommend 87 because a 93 would contribute to soft carbon buildup.

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Your 63 Riviera is a great and beautiful car which I am sure you are going to enjoy owning. I have had my 63 Riv for over 20 years and it has been a great and reliable car. The compression ratio is: 10.25:1 and requires premium 92-93 octane. I have never used any additives and don't think you need to.

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