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what the heck are they called?

Guest marlin65

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Guest marlin65

Anyone have a clue as to what the metal screw on dealer ID tags are really called? Not the plastic stick-on or decals but pot metal. I've tried looking on Ebay but don't know what to type in for a search word. If anyone has one especially with Plymouth on it I would be interested and would really really like one from Ohio. Anyone? Email me marpack57@aol.com

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Guest Robin Coleman

Marlin, perhaps the easiest thing to do would to locate a dealer in your area who still uses screw on ID tags and try to buy one then use the screws. Try that or look around local salvage yards.

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This would sort of be a nice oppurtunity to make or create one of your own design, perhaps based on a local dealer or the original dealer if known. Make the design out of clay on a flat surface and create a rubber mold of it. From there you can pour plastic into the rubber mold and either paint it or send it out for chroming. The below link is based on someone else's use of the Alumilite product for making distributor caps.

Casting Resin and Silicone Mold Making Rubber

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Guest elmo39

from what i can work out , it was the screws that held the plate on that he wanted the name for . my termanolagy (don,t know if thats spelt right , its 54 years since i finished school )but here in New Zealand the screw would be called a pan head self tapping screw,the size you wpould have to supply yourself

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Guest marlin65

Thanks to all tha responded. Sorry I've been away from the board for a few days. I will certainly give all the leads a try and yes I was referring to the entire metal plate not just the mounting screws. Again you guys are the best.

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