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Leather Bound Craftsmen Log!


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I'm curious what this is exactly? I've read about them online but have never seen one. I heard each Buick Reatta had one, and yet my Reatta only had an owner's manual. Do you suppose speculators are hoarding them to make profits, or are they all tattered/thrown out, or am I just one of the unlucky newer owners who didn't get one with his purchase? It kind of pisses me off in a way!

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First off, it's vinyl and was for 90-91 models only. It contained Reatta-logo'd Pen, flashlight, tire pressure gauge, road atlas and note pad and some other minor goodies. It also had a craftsman's log that was purportedly signed by the individuals responsible for the production of that particular car, though there's a lot of room for doubt of the logs' actual correspondence with production.

Usually over the course of the years all of the little items like the pen, flashlight and gauge go missing, 'cause really who other than us Reatta-obsessed really cares whether the car has it's Reatta pen?

I have a '91 portfolio I snagged on ebay a few years ago, and it is complete-complete including the plastic bag/wrapper the portfolio was sealed in. The flashlight's batteries had corroded the internals, but I was able to get it cleaned up and working.

Am I hoarding it? I dunno, it's just another piece of Reatta ephemera I've picked up over the years.. Don't need it (I have an '88), but still think it's neat to own. But I've got an illness where Reattas are concerned. crazy.gif

Here's some pics.





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There were actually three versions.

See picture.... The 1988-1989 use the version with the silver "R" logo, it had the Reatta pen and owners manual only.

The small one with the gold "R" was the early or first version for the 1990 Reattas, it had the Reatta pen and owners manual, this would probably be the rarest version because Buick changed to the zippered owners portfolio sometime early during the 1990 production run.

The dealers were sent a replacement for all the Reattas they had in stock or had sold. They were to put the new zippered portfolio in the unsold cars and give the owner of sold cars the new version.

Some 1990 Reatta owners have cars with both leather folders.


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Guest daveagain909

I have 2 of these logs both with my 1990 reatta,s I have the largest one which came with my red coupe and the smaller one which came with my black convertible both are nice but the large one with the zipper is very nice and I do have all the assesories which came with the log the pen, air pressure gauge, and flash light. they are very nice to have if your are a collector. I would like to get another one for my red convertible,

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