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how do I update my posting to add a new car?

Guest daveagain909

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Sorry, I must have misunderstood what daveagain909 wanted. I thought he had already checked his profile.

Your car looked so good it inspired me to add the photo of my car. I have been wanting to ask a question about your car. What is the red circle in front of your rear wheel?

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I was kidding, well I wasn't kidding, but you didn't need to change yer pic.

The Red thing is a plastic Folgers coffee can. I never throw them away as I use 'em for all sorts of stuff. I was cleaning out the garage to make a space for the new Reatta on the day of that pic.... it must've been a rogue can.

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Guest daveagain909

I can not find an edit button, I go into "My stuff" and there is no edit button, I go into the "profile area", There is no edit, Where is it? Please I feel stupid but this is very much non intuitive.

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Guest daveagain909

I can not find an edit button, I go into "My stuff" and there is no edit button, I go into the "profile area", There is no edit, Where is it? Please I feel stupid but this is very much non intuitive.

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