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Merry Christmas


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Well, it is true. We are told that time moves faster as we age. When we were children, it seemed Christmas took forever and a day. Now as adults, it seems Christmas 2007 was just here. May all of you have a great holiday shared with close friends and family. Stay safe and may Santa bring every item your heart desires. Merry Christmas everybody. grin.gif

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I will chime in as you are always the first to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I also want to wish everyone the same. There is a lot of good people hurting this year and need our help. I want to take the chance to encourage andy one who can donate to your charity. Take a few moments to reflect on the past year and pray for peace and prosperty this comming year. I for one feel very blessed, I have a great family, a good job and lots of friends on this discussion group so

Merry Christmas <span style="color: #FF0000"> </span>

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Happy Holidays to you all! May you all be blessed with the warmth of family and friends this season.

And a special Happy Birthday to Nic! My you get all the spankings you want! wink.gif

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Guest Reatta1

Merry Chrisatmas to all from 'The Ranch' in Central Oregon. Here's a couple picks. Our front deck and the neighbors log house at dusk. Have some more pics but they are too big to attach.



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smile.gif <span style="font-weight: bold">MERRY XMAS to all of my Christian and Atheistic brothers and sisters.

HAPPY CHANUKAH to all of Judaic brothers and sisters.

BLESSED HOLY DAYS to all of my Islamic, Buddhist, Taoist, Hinduic, and Confucianist Brothers and sisters.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of my secular brothers and sisters.</span>

It's been 10 long years since I became a Reatta owner and joined (as opposed to just perused) this forum. We've been through a lot, and I am proud to say that I was there to see and be a small part of the many years of development that has made this the greatest support site in all of the internet, for ANY vehicle (in my not-so-humble opinion). Many have followed, but none can compare to the love and dedication we share, as a family, not only to our beloved cars, but to each other.

I just want to thank you all for being there when I needed you, and for allowing me to be there for you; for sharing your ideas, your expertise, your opinions; for being constructive and critical, but never abusive and hateful; for acting and communicating with love and understanding.

If I should leave the world of Reatta Ownership behind, know that I will never leave you, for you are all my family, and I love you all. cry.gifsmile.gif

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