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A Pleasant Surprise!

R W Burgess

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Hey guys, I finally got around to getting my annual meeting reservations set up for our February Annual Meeting. I sent the check to Chairman, Mike Jones, so I wouldn't be locked out of all the fun. wink.gif

I then called the Sheridan Hotel and was surprised to see that the room rate was in fact $102.00, not the $103.00 quoted in our flyer's. So, rest assured, I will be able to spend this extra loot at the hospitality suites during our stay in the City of Brotherly Love! cool.gif


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Guest windjamer

Wayne I dont mean to bug you but I also got a VARY NICE surprise in the mail today. My head is so swelled up I cant get my hat on. Have to tell someone and your it.I rec a letter today from Concours D Elegance of the Eastern United States. Letter said someone had looked my Buick over at Hershey fall meet and would like to nominate it for the 20th. annual meet May 31 2009 Now thats a nice xmas present win lose or draw.

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wj, I know you addressed your post to Wayne but I hope you won't mind that I would like to add my congratulations to you and your car.

I have a friend here in Charleston, William M. (Bill) Davis, that both shows and judges at those shows. I hope you get to meet him when you show your car. He is a great guy with a very wicked sense of humor. He and West are friends from the time West was a little boy. Bill has a car that West wants more than his two front teeth for Christmas. Right West? grin.gif

How about posting a photo of your car for those of us that didn't get to see it?

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