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Why no photos of "for sale" cars?

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Why, oh why do people NOT put a photo of the car they are trying to sell in their ads? If there is NO detailed description in the ad, a photo does the job. That will at least let a guy know if he has the opportunity to look at and buy a car within the money range he has to work with. It will also let a guy know if that is indeed the car he wants. Sure you can say "1931 Dodge coupe". That says nothing about whether I should actually take the time to email the guy with the car for photos and then wait for his reply when he feels like getting back to me. It will also show if the car is really a 1931 Dodge coupe. If I have $6,000.00 to spend on a project car, why would I want to look at a restored car priced at $30,000.00?? Sorry...I know some folks have their reasons for not including a description or photo, but if the phone does not ring, it is us....the ones who are left to wonder. John

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Guest Plymouthy

I agree..a good description, few photographs, location and price is necessary before I ever take an ad seriously. As for pictures...not all people have them online hosted..dial-up may yet be a cause not to upload a picture..however having pictures to send via e-mail is always a plus.

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Yes...I realize that some folks do not have the wherewithall or ability or technology to post a photo. That would mean that a detailed (or at least ballpark) description is necessary for a serious buyer to proceed. Condition is the main concern for me. Is it a beautiful car that is beyond my reach monetarily or a hacked up body on a frame or a car that I want to finish? Location does certainly matter in this age of fuel costs. The main thing is description, description, description.

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Guest Johnpaul Ragusa

Everytime I saw a post with no price, photos, location or all of the above I would post underneath that they should. You notice that most of them are posted by people who sign up to just post the ad. I think they never return to see what happened. Maybe they just expect people to call or Email them.

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True that most people that post are only creating an account to post the 'for sale' ad. So why don't we suggest that the Buy/Sell forum have mandatory fields (like when you join). AACA members should be able to by-pass this form (a privilege IMO) but visitors would have to fill it out?

What do you think?

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