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BCA Reatta Division membership info?


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Can anyone tell me who to contact about attaining membership in the Reatta Division? I have just taken out a 2 year BCA membership (don't have the card yet) but the Official BCA site doesn't seem to list the procedure/contact info for how to get into the Reatta Division. Couldn't find it on Barney's site either. Hopefully I didn't just overlook it, or I'll feel like a doofus.

Thanks in advance.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: KDirk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ronnie,

Thank you. I had completely forgotten to check the Reatta.org site. </div></div>

grin.gif That's a little amusing because Reatta.org is the official website of the Reatta Division of the Buick Club of America. They really need to update their website.

Anyway, I'm glad you found what you needed.

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Yeah, I feel kind of stupid. I knew about the site, but since I spend most of my time on here, I had looked on the AACA site for a link and didn't find it. I also checked the BCA site and Barney's site, and either missed the link, or it isn't there. Guess I just wasn't thinking clearly.

Anyway, I will be getting my membership application off just as soon as I have my BCA # in hand since I need that first.


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It is Reatta.net (not .org). Barney has some good info up there, including the most recent Reatta database listing of all cars for which he has been sent information by the current owners or other concerned parties. Also lists cars that are known to have been scrapped or wrecked.

He also has some FAQS and tech tips compiled from his own experience and this forum I suppose, a small picture section and a few other odds and ends. It is one of the first sites I happened across when I first got serious about finding a Reatta to buy.


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Reatta.net is not my site

Tom Jenkins is the owner/webmaster of that site and offered to post things for me back in 1997. Some of the items could use an update but the database is usually no more than two months old.

Ronnie has started a very good site and it might be nice to have one site containing everything, there is presently no reason to consolidate them into one.

Not being a "web" person, I don't understand all the ramifications of starting, maintaining, a web site. My greatest fear is one of the sites closing and all the information being lost.

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A big oops on my part. I was of the impression it was your site since most of the information was provided by you, and your email address was up there. My apologies to both you and Tom Jenkins if I stepped on any toes. The mis-crediting was entirely unintentional and due to assumption on my part.

I would like to say that Ronnie has an excellent site, and it's getting better on a regular basis. On the other hand, the Reatta division site (reatta.org) seems to have several non-functional links. I am not sure if this is a problem with my browser or if the site is in fact "broken". Can anyone advise on this? I was on there last night and couldn't get most of the links on the main page to work.

Barney, I do agree with your concern over the loss of information when a site is "shuttered". One of my other hobbies is vintage stereo equipment, and many good sites on the subject have come and gone due to lack of interest and maintenance. It is always a shame when that happens. It seems to be a consequence of the dynamic nature of the digital media age.

Sorry again for any confusion I have caused.


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