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Transmission Flush Yes ... No

Guest EDBS0

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Guest EDBS0
argue.gif The big debate<P>I have always believed in transmission coolers and flushes no matter what the mileage is. Just came across this article of interest ... <B>When not to flush?</B><P>Before draining or flushing you should pull the dip stick and look at the fluid. If it is dark, burnt smelling, and you see little flakes or speck in it, DO NOT FLUSH IT. The fluid and transmission is TOAST, but the transmission just has not figured out it should die yet. In these cases for reasons no one has figured out yet, if you flush a transmission in this condition it will fail right away. Real strange, but that is what seems to happen. If your trans is in this condition just drive it while you save for a replacement transmission. There is no way of telling when it will fail. It might be today, next week, or next year, but it is doomed.<P>FYI ... now flush!<P>PS bowdown.gif padgett your idea of 180 degree thermostats just might have a side benefit of making the transmission run cooler and last longer? What u think?<p>[ 07-11-2002: Message edited by: Easily Distracted ]
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Personally am of the opinion that the "trans cooler" coil in the radiator is really a "trans heater" under most conditions.<P>Keep in mind that it is located in the coolest area of the radiator so is probably somewhat less than the head reading where the sensor is.<P>I still like 180 thermostats.

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E.D., Wouldn't there always be metal flakes in the trans. fluid due to friction. The magnet probably picks up about all of it, but not all of it. I've started running the 180 deg. stat to help run the engine/tranny cooler as padgett sugested in a earlier post some time back, seems to be working. smile.gif" border="0 To bad you and Padgett can't make it down to Kokomo, it would have been cool to chat in person, and not on the net. Oh well.<BR> cool.gif" border="0cool.gif" border="0cool.gif" border="0

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Wish I could have but was in DC this week and Washington State next. Also had some job issues had to get straightened out in Maryland. Suppose I could have flown in but get so little time at home that I value it highly. Maybe next year.<P>Incidently what happened with the Florida shows on the coast ? Too much rain ?

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<B>ED by ???:</B> I had my trans on my 79 <BR>'Nado flushed at Jiffy Lube. They disconnect the lines at the radiator and completely flush old fluid with new fluid. I wouldn't recommend this on a high mileage tranny that hasn't been flushed before (i.e. > 100k miles).<P>p.s. Like your little icon guys!<p>[ 07-13-2002: Message edited by: burkieboy ]

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Guest EDBS0

padgett; That is why I put the cooler in the return line after going through the rad. Put 180s in the Riv and Reatta I also like the idea. During the long winter sleep I just may see if I can impose on you to reprogram the chip.<P>Reatta_Cruzin <BR> For those who know the area I spent the weekend and half of today at Niagara-On-The-Lake <A HREF="http://www.niagaraonthelake.com/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.niagaraonthelake.com/</A> picture perfect little community across from Niagara Falls. Saw some Shaw and had a great time. Couldn't talk the better half into traveling the extra 300 or so miles.<P> I recommend that if you have a chance to go you must! <P>I use a couple of <a href="http://www.leevalley.com/wood/page.asp?page=32065&category=1,42363,42346&ccurrency=2&SID="> supermagnets in my pans </a> you can barely pry these apart <B>REALLY!!</B> I only posted the article but would imagine that if there were visible flakes there would be too many for the magnet confused.gif" border="0 but am guessing?<P>burkieboy; Thanks and variety is the spice of life.<P>PS I put the supermagnets on my oil filters also.<p>[ 07-15-2002: Message edited by: Easily Distracted ]

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