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Vote for your favorite Candidate for BCA Board of Directors

Bill Stoneberg

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Forget the primaries, forget Hillary and Obama, the important elections are at hand and that is for the <span style="font-weight: bold">BCA Board of Director</span> candidates.

You may not realize how important these folks are to the running of the club and your experience with the BCA, but they make the decisions that affects you and your BCA experience. Sometimes that is not easy or fun.

This year we have 4 good candidates from various parts of the country for 3 open positions. Read their bios in the April Bugle, and then take the time to vote for the 3 you think will do the best job.

Normally we get around 10 -15 % of the members voting, It sure needs to be more then that. Its too important of a job to leave to a minority of members to decide

The ballot is on the outside cover of the Bugle, tear it off, fill it in and mail it off. It will only take a few minutes of your time and will be worth it to the club.

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I want to 'second' Bill's motion here, it is truly important to vote for whomever you feel would be the best to help run the BCA. It's your club, and your representative on the board can and will make a difference. I have been on the board for somewhat over 8 years now, and, I feel that some very good things and progress have been made during that time. If nothing else happened worthwhile, I feel that the Bugle and its editor, Pete Phillips, have been the best thing that has occurred for a long time. And, I am proud to say, that it happened while I was serving on the board. I have had a wonderful time during these 8 plus years, and, it will be a sad moment for me, come July, when I finally walk off the board. But, I do not plan on fading away into oblivion. I have had too many good times while on the board, and will continue to try to help in any way that I can to further the agenda of the club. So, at this early time, I want to say "Thanks for the memories", and PLEASE, get out and vote, Thanks again, Paul Meyer

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Guest imported_Thriller

I have met all four gentlemen on the ballot, and have chatted with at least three of them to varying lengths. It could turn out to be a tough call for me, but rest assured, the ballot will be sent.

Thanks for your service Paul, and all other current and former board members.

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