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McPherson College Sophomore: Looking for a summer job!

Guest austincar6

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Guest austincar6

My name is Austin Anders and I am looking for summer employment in Antique Auto Restoration filed. I am currently a student attending McPherson College. I will complete my sophomore year in auto restoration. The classes I have taking are Advanced Panel Fabrication, Drafting, Drive Tran Rebuild, Panel Fabrication / Welding, Engine Rebuild, and Automotive Paint. I will complete this semester History of the Automobile, and Wood Working.

Cars some of that I had the opportunity to work on are , 1931 American Austin, Rebuilt 1912 Model T Ford engine and built a wooden truck body for a 1926-27 and varies mechanical work on this car and have restored coil boxes, work on 29 Model A Ford and varies other cars.

If your interested please responded.

Thanks Austin

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Guest austincar6

I am up for most area in the country. Just as long I get the essentials, food, a place to live. Those kind of thing. I was born and raised in Kansas, so I am uses to a small town.

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Guest austincar6

If I am in a far away town I need $ so I can eat, and get a place to stay over the summer. A little to help pay for college would be nice.

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Hey guys how about this. If enough cars owners got together from one general area and laid out work for this young gentleman on each of their cars and then shared the cost with maybe one guy supplying room and another food and the others paying cash for the work done. everyone might benefit.

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