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Judson Electronic Magneto

Mika Jaakkola

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I am not familiar with this coil. But just by looking at it, it appears to be an early effort at electronic ignition.

In the 60s there were several brands of electronic ignition on the market. This was before car makers put them on their cars.

The usual type of electronic ignition used the stock points as a trigger for an electronic switch that drove the stock coil. The result was hotter spark and less wear on the points, because the points acted only as a trigger they carried very little current and did not burn away.

It appears that the Judson company offered such an ignition with a built in coil.

You probably already know, that Judson was an English company best known for their superchargers.

It was probably made in the 60s or early 70s. The first electronic ignitions were offered on the market about 1960. In the early 70s car makers started putting them on their cars. I believe Studebaker was the first. They offered electronic ignition as an option in 1962. Chrysler first used electronic ignition in 1971 or 72.

I would be tempted to leave it on the car. It is after all, a contemporary accessory installed by the original owner. And does offer some advantages over the stock ignition.

If you don't want to keep it I would like to buy it from you.

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It appears to consist of a conventional coil with an aluminum heat sink at one end. On the heat sink can be seen a transistor and possibly a diode of typical 60s type. On top it looks like 2 knurled knobs for attaching the hot lead from the key, and the other lead to the distributor.

If you use it try to mount it in a cool place or where it can get some air flow. It is critical to keep the electronic components as cool as possible.

Also keep the stock coil handy. If the Judson ever fails you can put the stock coil back and drive on as if nothing happened.

One more thing. Is the stock condenser still in the distributor? Some makers of electronic ignition recommended removing it when installing their ignition as it was unnecessary.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Mika Jaakkola</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks a lot nearchoclatetown ,

But is there any advantages to use it? When these were manufactured? in the sixties?

Any price info ?

(my Imp has a correct coil already ;)) </div></div>The advantage is you can get about $30 bucks on Ebay for it from a VW guy. Put the stock coil back on.

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You know how eBay's becoming worse when it comes to fees, feedback, and draconian policies, right? (For example, they suspend family members just for being related/associated with a suspended user.)

I recommend iOffer (Or any other popular automotive trading site) if you're going to sell that. Otherwise, you'll pay out your nose in sellers' fees, and sellers can't give feedback anymore.


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<h3>When you've had enough of the feePay game,

be sure to check out iOffer.com.</h3>

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