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ok, I know this is a little out of line, but...........

Steve Boivin

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We all love our Rivieras first and foremost, but doesn't it just tear you apart when you see any old classic sitting and rusting away? Weather it be a Buick or, one of them others.......... In my vast travles the other day I came across a 49 Chrysler Town & Country convertible. You know, the one that had all those wooden body parts? The guy claims it's got a Hemi in it, but he also says it may not be the original engine. I'm not a Mopar fanatic, so I don't know too much more. If anyone out there in cyber-land knows anyone else that might be interested, I can point you in the right direction.

Steve Boivin 3560

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Yea its a pretty common sight isn't it. There is something in human nature that makes people do this. Folks have good intentions to someday restore that car sitting out back under the pine trees. Difficult for some it is to accept the fact they do not have the motivation or money to tackle such a project. Or perhaps, think their car is worth a lot more than what people want to pay. We are all probably guilty of that in some form or another whether it be a car or an old piece of furniture.

Rather than sell it while it still has value, they refuse offer after offer from interested and motivated parties as years go by. The car transforms from the restorable category to a parts car. Then it goes to the crusher by some uninformed person who took over the estate and wants rid of all the "junk".

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Guest rlbleeker

This may sound odd, but I actually like rusty old cars. It's going to be a kinda sad day when they have all been saved or crushed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If it's got a hemi it's a transplant. The hemis did not come out until the early 50's. Where is the car and what shape was the wood in. Did the guy mention a price

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OK Riviera people: I like 'em just drug out of the river bed too. They will never be all saved or all crushed and that's what makes the treasure hunt more appealing that ever! Mitch

I'm up to 11 Rivieras. Who would have thought?

4 1964's

3 1964 complete parts cars

4 1965 Rivieras

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I didn't spend too much time looking it over, but from what I saw, the wooden pieces were in pretty good condition. Good enough for templets anyway, if nothing else.

The car is located in the city of Orange, CA and the guy (Jerry) says that the owner was asking $12,000, but you know how thoses ole car nuts are, their ALWAYS asking too much. lol


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