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first time in a show


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Hello. I am a new member and I entered my car in my first AACA show, April 5 @ the Auto Fair in Charlotte, NC. I don't know what what to expect. While it is a nice looking, original car, my Volvo is not a contender for a trophy. I imagine that the class I am in will be a popular one, 27F. I entered it for fun. I expect that I will have the only PV Volvo. Few people not familar with old Volvos even know what it is. Are there classes in a class? Or are driven cars up againest perfect, trailered cars? Mine is not used as a daily driver but might be considered that in it's appearance. When I signed up I said yes to having it judged but if I have no expectations of winning anything should I have said no? Thanks for you patience as it is my first time.

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Welcome to AACA and the forum. You have the right attitude about entering for fun. To me, the "fun" and "people" aspect of AACA (and any show) go hand in hand. You will meet some of the nicest people on the show field. I showed my 1966 Mustang for the first time in national competition in 1998. I received a third place, and still today that award is special. My largest deduction was for radial tires (15 points) I'll always remember that first show, as it got me to see what a grat hobby this is. What ever your goal, have fun and enjoy the event.

AACA does not separate the trailered cars from the driven cars, as some marque clubs do such as Mustang Club of America.

I think you did right by signing up to have your car judged. You can learn something about how your car compares with others. By having no expectations on winning, you won't be disappointed with the outcome, whatever it may be, yet you stand the chance of being pleasantly surprised.

Another option, if your car is mainly an unrestored original is to enter in HPOF class. This is a category for unrestored cars. These vehicles are certified for their originality, and awarded recognition accordingly.

Good luck, and enjoy the show. You have a great looking Volvo.


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Hello and welcome.

If you can, come early and go to the judging school that will be held. You will learn a lot about how the cars are judged and receive a Judges Guideline Manual for free. If you don't go to a school I think they are something like $5.00.

Be sure and hand in the card that they give you and you will get your first "chip". Who knows you might like judging and decide to join us in that side of the hobby too. smile.gif

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Part pf the fun of this is showing off your car and talking about it to others. One of our members who will be attending happens to own the oldest Volvo in the country (actually a pair of them) and he will certainly be anxious to look over your car and talk Volvo w/you. Another class that might be of interest to you is the DPC or Drivers Participation Class. It is strictly for driven cars and a special team will evaluate the car to ensure it largely authentic, and from that point on you can proudly display your DPC badge. Everytime you show the car you'll get a special "chip" to display on a plaque. My wife has done that with her MGB and is always proud to display it along with the others in that class.

See you there!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Despite the rain I enjoyed my first show. I talked to a lot of people who came over and looked at my Volvo. I do have a post meet question or two. Someone told me I could write to AACA and get a copy of my judging results. Where do I find the information? Second, I believe I may not have chosen the most fitting class. I chose 27f, 1964/65 production cars. Perhaps it would be more fitting in 25c, sports vehicles, closed, 1961-9 or Driver Participation Class. I noticed that a lot of cars came in trailers which I have no problem with. However my car will always been driven. Any input before my next meet? Thanks!

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