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Lights a flickin


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Especially on a cold morning start, the ABS light, the CRT, instrument panel and the exterior parking lights will flick on and off in unison, click-click, click-click, click-click, perhaps a dozen times, on my 88. Is this a bad ground (and if so where might it be located) or bad relay or... ?

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It could be several things.

A low battery could cause the symptoms, as the altenator tries to get the battery back to a full charge.

I cannot find anything in the service manual, but built into the BCM logic, there are controls that monitor voltage (as well as many other things)

Example... in the old days, you might try to start a car and it would barely turn over. That battery voltage monitor will not let the starter turn if the voltage is below the preset....... so a Reatta will crank or not.... never a "I think I can, I think I can...."

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the clicking sound usually is a relay, try to track it next time by having the hood open,and the fuse covers open,if you can get someone to listen with you, the stethoscope tool is good to find ticking.

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Low voltage caused by problem battery cable was the problem. One of the battery cable connection bolts was partially stripped resulting in the connector being slightly loose. New bolt installed, full voltage restored and so far the problem has gone away.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Barney Eaton</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It could be several things.

A low battery could cause the symptoms, as the altenator tries to get the battery back to a full charge.

I cannot find anything in the service manual, but built into the BCM logic, there are controls that monitor voltage (as well as many other things)

Example... in the old days, you might try to start a car and it would barely turn over. That battery voltage monitor will not let the starter turn if the voltage is below the preset....... so a Reatta will crank or not.... never a "I think I can, I think I can...." </div></div>

Good diagnosis Barney. As usual you were right on the money. I will file this away for future reference. It's good to have someone on this board that is so familiar with the small details of how the Reatta operates. Thanks for being here to help!


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On my 88 the IP and CRT along with all button lights dimming will intermittantly full brightness to dim brightness. I thought it was intermittant connection but have not been sucessful. Also PRNDL indicator doesnot light up on gear shift. Any recommendations would be appreciated.


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