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Region chapter Membership Renewal

Guest BruceW

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Well.. its getting close to that time of year when members renew their AACA membership, after which they renew their Region/Chapter membership. One of the problems that our Region experiences are late or last minute renewals because members forget or otherwide dwadle. Because rosters have to be to National by March, it is important that Region/Chapter renewals must be done in a timely manner.

My Region president asked for suggestions on ways to encourage early.. or at least timely... renewals. I was wondering if any other Regions or Chapters have ideas or incentives they use to get their members to renew their memberships in a timely manner.

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We send out renewal notices with our October and or November mailings (as best as I recall). They include a "Dues are Due" renewal form and everybody brings their renewals to meetings or send in their renewals by mail. We collect Chapter, Region, and National dues and forward the Region and National dues on to the Region and National. We normally get most of our dues in prior to the end of the year. As Chapter treasurer, I send in one mass renewal to Region and National the last week of December, and we usually send in any late arrivals in January.

So, I guess the only "Incentive" that we have is that our members only have to write one check and we handle it from there.

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Not sure how many "snow birds" you have in your club, but it sure presented a problem in our region when the national switched from the list being due in May to it now being due in March.

And you can only do so much with some members to get them moving. You know the kind, they will be late to their own funeral and be wondering why nobody waited for them to show up.

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One chapter I belong to collects all the dues (if you pay separately, you must show a current paid membership card) with a deadline of right before the Christmas party. Then at the party, all the names of paid members are put in a hat and a winner chosen at random. The winner is refunded National dues. Another chapter I belong to does the same thing but this time all your dues are refunded. A chance at free dues seems to motivate. It has worked well for us.The size of the prize depends on what your region/chapter can afford.

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