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any AACA forumers coming to the Woodward dream Cruise?


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I'll be avoiding Woodward like the plague, as will most of the locals.

Unfortunately, it's no longer a cruise. It's more like the wait at the border. To make matters worse the local transport authority has blessed the cruise with numerous diesel fume belching tour busses so the masses can live vicariously through the cool cruisers. Not only do they stink but they block the view of the spectators. I also don't understand why people in SUVs have to take part amongst the cruisers. Who, in their right mind allowed ice cream trucks to sell to the crowd. Every time the truck stops the cruise stops. Pure genius.

As a tourist I might see things differently.

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I used to run out of "Teds" drive in back in the 60s with a Caddy powered chev, and I refuse to go there and see my 5 lane drag strip turned into a parking lot.

Come north to "Back to the Bricks" if Flint for a place to park and enjoy old cars! The first 1000 entrants on Saturday get a free "T" shirt and the whole down town area is blocked off with things happening Saturday from 10 AM to 10 PM

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TG57--I was there! rode in the rumble seat of my friend's 1930 Packard 740 roadster. That was a party. IF only they hadn't tried to route the parade through the state fair coliseum bldg. so that they could look better on TV--that slowed down the whole thing a lot. But man, what a party!

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What a perfect weekend for the Dream Cruise this year!! I really enjoyed walking around with my boys looking at all the great muscle cars and hot rods. I found my friend, Steve Pasteiner at his Auto Zone store in Birmingham. He asked me to move his Corvette Nomad, to which I obliged. Of course, it took me a couple of hours to find just the right parking spot, which ended up being about 20 feet from where I started.


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