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Studebaker Avanti Experts needed!

R W Burgess

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Yet, I'm going through the internet and can find only a few sales in that price range and they're like Barrett's or some other big time name that most don't consider reasonable.

I've only seen about 2 in a hundred mile area of home in my lifetime. I guess that could mean anything. grin.gif


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It may be the type of car that for those who like them, and have them, they hold on to them for a long time. I also don't see many come up for sale, but when they do, it may be done by word of mouth. If you really want one, you may have to get involved with a Studebaker or Avanti club, rub elbows with the owner of one, nudge him a few times, and tell him that if he ever wants to sell the car, you're interested.

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