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Can someone help me with parts question? PRE-WAR


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I am a new guy but joined the forum awhile ago when I had a chance to get a 54 2dr, Customline Ford. With the questions I had, the members did help me to relize it would be better to find a car that runs and wouldn't take a lot to fix it. I am still looking for one but I am in no hurry.

I looked at a car the other week and the guy knows that I love to sell things through by the computer. He has some parts I would like to try and sell but I have NO idea if there is a market for anything. I can get the parts at a good price in my mind with the little studying I have done. I hope someone might be able to give me advice on the parts!!

The parts are all pre-war - tail lights, radios, fan belts - brake lines ( which I know are hard to match up unlsee someone has an original) flat head parts for Fords, flat head for Cadillac, 38 Chevy 3 speed transmission with reverse and A LOT of other odds and ends.

Please give me some advice. I would love to get these parts and help people out with them. I DO NOT look to get rich on anything but would hate to see these parts get thrown away!!

Thanks again,


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Thanks for the reply. I know being a new guy and not having a antique car ( yet) a lot of people will not want to reply and I appreciate yours!

The fellow knows all the parts he has, so he said he would go through, part for part and we would put on them what they are. I think I can get everything at a very GOOD deal but I have no clue what any part would even be worth. The guy does not have a computer and he is a very elder gentleman, so he said he would have no idea on what the parts would even sell for. I just don't have an idea what anything is worth!

He said one item was very rare or hard to get but sometimes he is very hard to understand - he said it is a part to check front ends of a specific car - it sounded like ( don't laugh) jack strip, jock ship or something?

Thanks again for the reply and I guess I will just have to do a lot of searching on the parts and hopefully come up with an offer for them.


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A couple of guidlines to stick to when looking at a large quantity of stuff -

1. You'll never sell it all unless you have a big auction, so don't count on selling it all before you can recoup your investment.

2. You can only sell the good stuff once.

3. Condition is everything.

4. The only expert is the guy trying to buy the stuff from you. I wouldn't count on an elderly gentleman to precisely id those parts. You'll need parts numbers and reference material to be sure.

This is a project you can have a lot of fun with and learn from, provided the initial investment isn't too outrageous. You might want to consider talking to members of your local AACA region to help you inventory everything. You might be able to sell off groups of parts to help get some of your money back quickly.

Oh - let me know if you've got any really old unusual spark plugs in that mess of parts!



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