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Posts posted by StylishOne

  1. 1930s Open Front Town Car  blind quartered unrestored , 1959 Buick flattops or htp cpe, 1970 Buick Riviera factory no vinyl top, 1967 Eldo factory no vinyl top. 1956 n 60,66 Imperials cpe n Lebaron, n maybe 60 Chrysler cpe,  Lincoln  54-60 esp Hess n Eisenhardt,+ Cpe, convert, 1954-64 Cads esp blind

    quarter Limo, +cpe, fleetwoods. 

    Prefer solid original  with strong body n interior, original drivetrain . NO restored or high dollar cars please , not running okay.  Odd colors and options a plus. Pics in n out and details help. Will consider others...

  2. Sorry to say but you're dead wrong. They are a factory option. I've owned 2 , seen several  others.. it was a pricey option only on padded formal tops with no quarter window and opera rear window. Landau irons were another option for the padded top.Tops were done in long grain vinyl.  You're right it wasn't common..

    • Like 1
  3. As I e bee told the engine was rebuilt when a family member did something  to it.  It was done to accept modern gas. The interior and wood are together in bone colored brocade.. the wood is decent , could use paint  though its original.  Looks pretty straight.   I havent driven it yet . He has all service records n owners manual but they can't find Caddy dealer invoice or window sticker.. he originally wanted 7500. Now will take he'll  take under 5000..


    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, dei said:

    I personally drove 2 1/2 hours for myself to look at three '58 Buick's based on a fellow local car club members advise "they looked very good".

    When I arrived, getting no answer at the house, spent time looking them over parked at the side of the house with a brute of a dog in the fenced back yard raising a huge fuss! Thank heavens for that secured fence...

    Finally I hear a female voice ask what I was doing? 

    Long story short, she and her "old man" were splitting up and had instructions to Sell the Collection. 

    Back then 5 grand for them was way too much for the condition they were in and considering transportation costs/time to even get home asked if I could talk to him about an offer. Telling me he was out riding with his buddies and not available, I passed.

    With the tatoo's on he neck and arms just felt the whole transaction wasn't worth the experience...


    The point? One man's interpretation / values is just that, one man's. 

    I love '58's too much but this time my effort and decision was the right one.

    If you ever are considering a 1958 Buick near me I'd be happy to look at it for you StylishOne.


    I ve had 3  2LTDS converts 1 Estate Wagon..thanks 

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Ed Luddy said:

    I do inspect cars for fellow gear heads. They are in Europe, I'm in Canada. It's not all that glamorous. About 60% of cars are far lower in quality than described. 30% are a bit lower but still worth the trip. 10% are actually as good if not better.

     It involves a lot of time, money and frustration. But every once in awhile you meet a really good person and that keeps you going. Started doing it for fun many decades ago. Have never encountered anything like the so called "Barn Finds" shown on TV or YouTube, so I call B.S. on most of that stuff.

     Do I make money at it? Not much but it helps! Mostly theraputic. Spent last Saturday getting a 63 Cadillac convertible out of long term storage. A good friend inherited it from his Dad. It was -7 C with a ice cold breeze. Finally got it running with expert help, yeah it was worth it. Even though the car is rough it's far better then wasting my time on late model Cadillacs!

     I'm probably going to make $400 to $500 on this deal if it ever goes thru. So if that gets your panties in a bunch or steams up your glasses, feel free to flame away!!

    63cad09chalor 047.jpg

    Boy do I know all that goes in to it! Been buying cars since I was 13. It sounds about  right too with the troublesome and frustrating process ,but the deep love that makes us do it over and over.

  6. 3 minutes ago, John_S_in_Penna said:

    I certainly respect the original poster's love of cars.

    Forum members are always happy to help a hobbyist,

    sometimes even free of charge.  However, if the car buyer

    is involved in flipping or reselling for profit, it's only fair that the

    person going out of his way to look at a car for him

    be compensated for time and expenses.


    Mr. Stylish, if you're reselling the cars you've sought and bought

    over many threads, it won't hurt to tell us.  We'll understand! 

    John if you wish to read the hours of replies here,  you'll note my thoughts clearly spoken in addition to a brief bio.  

    You might chose to reread it all as I'm done repeating myself and hearing the same thing from several angry snoops.  So far I've learned, after staying away a long time, it's even worse than I experienced before.

    Though several are leveled headed and kind guys here the majority are way too nosey , self righteous ,and unkind to a fellow car lover for my tastes.  I had no idea I had to prove myself list my intentions and be grilled by the masses to just put a simple ad up.


    I guess I've gone to the hardware store to buy lettuce!  

    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Bills Auto Works said:



      Exactly! It is nobodies business why the O.P wants the cars inspected, just that he wants them inspected. If you don't want to help him...just scroll on by. Which is so damn hard for people to do these days.


    God Bess



    Thank you Bill you get it, bless you and others who see my point  It's very weird to me why/how my personal purchases even vaguely affect others without a horse in the race..?  And others who "discovered" I'm asking about shipping costs? Was it a secret? I'm doing my homework trying to add total costs of purchases, go figure?  Guess no one else does that?


    • Like 2
  8. 9 minutes ago, C Carl said:

    Oh fer the luvva............... . Listen up : How 'bout those of us who are curious as to aspects of the gentleman's motivations and ultimate disposition of the barn finds, or garage finds, or desert finds or whatever, engage him in a less public, less confrontational format ? Perhaps P.M. ? If you take the time to read his, his, his whatchacallit ? The intro at the bottom of his postings ? You will see that he particularly enjoys reviving slumbering survivors. Now, I am not the brightest bulb on the Thanksgiving Tree, and am notoriously slow to catch on. But I am pretty sure the gentleman is truly a gentleman. So how's about we treat him as we ourselves would appreciate being treated ? As someone who also loves to take my "finds" to another level by exorcising demons and gremlins, I can appreciate that the process is a valid end in itself. I do it for MYself, but I sure can see being the guy who does it for others. See what I am getting at ?


    Stylish', evidently travel may indeed be out for you. BUT : if there is any way possible for you to get a ticket to 'Vegas, or San Anton' this Winter, rent a car, and make a loop through the scenic and relatively warm and sunny Southwest, DO IT!  It would not take too much twisting of my remaining good arm to pull me out of a Northeastern Winter. If you have not yet done so, you could include a Route 66 section, and on the back trip take in the best of the (South)West. I might even be tempted to tell you about a true American Shangri-la which I wandered into while taking a two month x-country cruise, at the end of a road, high in the mountains of S.W. New Mexico. Hint : it is the ancestral homeland of Geronimo s father-in-law, Cochise. 


    Hey ! I don't usually like to participate in anything which could be construed as confrontational. I love you all, I really do. So why don't we just call this another one of my too infrequent Sunday Sermons. Let's call this one : "Golden Rule".    -   Carl 

    Thank you Carl.. in addition to responsibilities here, I'm not a great traveler maybe no one thought of the other factors at play.  Yes treat each other respectfully... if you're interested in helping  you write the person, if not.. say nothing!

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