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Everything posted by starfireelvis

  1. Either you're being sarcastic, or you must be a health nut! (just kidding) It is a neat exercise to try to narrow all the wonderful cars down to a mere three; I can tell you that the three that come to mind (at this moment), two were in the car corral--the two-tone purple (Heather and Mountain Haze) '58 Olds Ninety-Eight coupe, and the Tahitian Coral '58 Cadillac Series 60 (I believe) with the white roof. The blue '61 Chrysler wagon was pretty much in its same spot on the show field again this year, and was worthy of many pictures on this guy's digital camera.
  2. ...for car with cornering lamps, non-tilt steering wheel. Part number is 910813. Thanks for any help!
  3. ...just reminds me of a comment I've made on several occasions, many this past week. The one thing I love about coming to Hershey is seeing some of my favorite cars (usually, Chevy's) the way they're SUPPOSED to look, i.e, STOCK from the factory. No SB 350s and pimped-out wheels that, if I were to draw a moral equivalence, make a prom queen look like a (gonna be careful with my words here, so hope I don't get nixed) "hussy". Trying to be tame here.
  4. THANK YOU for posting all of these pictures, especially those from the show on Saturday; I am usually a whirling dervish taking hundreds of shots once my car is judged, and while I did get a lot of nice ones from the west (?--furthest end of the field from the road) end, I did not get a lot of the early cars closest to the road, only because I was so pleasantly surprised to see so many old friends who stopped by my car to talk, as well as make new friends as well. And...I am glad to see my black '62 Olds Starfire made the cut...along with my hair! hahahaha, had to laugh at the moment when you took the picture, all you see is my pseudo-pompadour and my forehead right above my open hood! And, of course, my car. Hence, my moniker... Again, thanks for these great pics of cars that I was not able to take myself... Mike
  5. Everything was just fantastic on show day, loved every minute of last week while I was at the swap meet and at the Saturday show. Also enjoy the banquet, and stayed until the very end to honor all the winners. Thanks also for getting these results up in such a quick fashion; I know this is an absolutely tremendous undertaking from start to finish, and my hat is off to everyone involved in making this event the best car show on Earth. Just a very, very slight nit to pick, and I hope it is taken in the constructive fashion I truly mean it to be. I have noticed that in looking at the results for several years now, some cars are just identified only by their marque, while others do have the model listed as well. Truly, though, to enjoy this listing to the fullest, and to conjure up my memory bank in reading through it of what I saw and took pictures of that day, it would be so nice to have the models as well as the makes for all of the vehicles shown. If something is listed as a "1964 Ford", and nothing else, my goodness, that could be a Galaxie, Fairlane, Thunderbird, Mustang, Country Squire, Falcon, etc. etc. Someone looking for a particular model, such as a Falcon, for instance, is lost trying to figure out which "1964 Ford" was the one that took whatever judging honor it earned. Or, saying to themselves "Hey, a 1964 Ford won a First Place award--geez, wonder what kind of car it was?" I know the inconsistency in the listing is a result of the many thousands of vehicles entered into the database over the years, and the ebb and flow of whoever paid whatever attention to detail (or lack thereof) in entering the information. Someone looking back on this ten years from now will only see (for example) that I have a "1962 Oldsmobile"--that's it, and they're left wondering if it's a Dynamic 88, Super 88, Ninety-Eight, Starfire, F-85, Cutlass, Jetfire, or Fiesta Wagon. That's not to even mention if it's a coupe, sedan, convertible, or wagon. And, if I do enter my "other" 1962 Oldsmobile, how will it as a Dynamic 88 Station Wagon be differentiated from my Starfire Coupe? Just something that maybe can be addressed in the interim to help make the list more accurate and add clarity. Again, just a constructive suggestion, and hopefully it's taken in the same vein as intended.
  6. I will surely take a picture of it, and if you're around, will say hi!
  7. Have two complete sets of five tires, one radial and one bias-ply (which I basically only put on for the Hershey show); have never had any problems with one or the other, and I know they're not "radial" rims or "bias" rims--all are from a '62 Oldsmobile (and come to think of it, I put a set of radials that used to be on my Starfire onto my '62 Dynamic 88 wagon, and had no problem there, either...
  8. Here is a GREAT example of how HELPFUL Facebook can be. Back during the first week of September, and all the flooding in the Hershey area, I "searched" for the Derry Township Police Department on Facebook; Derry Twp. serves the Hershey area. So, as simple as this, I clicked "Like" for the DTPD, and as I said, ALL updates for the flooding and all goings-on directly from the Police Department CAME TO ME without having to search for it and wonder what was/is going on. That truly is an invaluable service, and I dare say as a result, even though I'm 330 miles from Hershey, I am as up to date and informed as anyone could be from a remote location outside of Hershey. So, you see, "Facebook" isn't just some sort of amusement or pastime, it is another resource for information, and as I have said time and time again, the news COMES TO ME without me having to spend time researching it. How anyone could object to that is beyond my comprehension.
  9. Without being contentious, may I please ask why? The AACA is on Facebook, so is the Museum. And, I am 48, not some young, Generation whatever kid. One salient point for you to consider--Left, right, up, down, and sideways, almost everyone in the old car hobby is worried to one degree or another, about the "graying" of the membership of their respective organizations, and how to attract younger people into the hobby. To do this, like it or not, you must "get to them" via the means in which they utilize for communication--and in 2011, that includes Facebook. I, too, had a disdainful attitude to some degree about Facebook when it was first introduced. I don't particularly care to read about what some people decide to put on there about every waking minute of their lives. The VALUE of Facebook is that, by me selecting "Like" for the AACA, the Museum, or anything else in this whole wide world that I am interested in, guess what happens. Whenever the AACA has something to say or announce, they send it to all the people who "Like' them, and now--I am an INFORMED person, as the news has COME TO ME, not me having to search for it. To each their own, and you are free to ignore or not sign up for these new means of communication. However, just because you don't like it, don't begrudge MY desire to utilize this new, and effective, means of communication and information.
  10. Just saw on my FB page news about Fall Hershey; while I obviously have put "Like" down for the AACA and also the Museum at Hershey, would be nice if someone did create (or already created?) a page to provide updates specifically for and from the Meet. Have found this to be a great way to receive information without having to hunt for it!
  11. Here's my qualified answer; I have been getting only about 10-11 miles per gallon, and with a 20 gallon tank, well, the math speaks for itself. My trip is 330 miles from garage door to Hershey, so I start out with a full tank, and fill up twice (at least) along the way--depending on whether or not nature calls during my six-hours of drive-time during my trip. With a 4-barrel Rochester, 3.42:1 rear end, and 10.5:1 compression on Sunoco 93/94, plus some octane boost, and the Starfire isn't exactly what you'd call fuel-efficient. But, as Eddie Cochran once sang, "Who cares!!" I will be anxious to see what I will now get, given I have just received my car back from my mechanic, after the usual prep for a long trip, and the "new" Slim-Jim that I literally had put in the car three days ago. I did drive the car up to Cleveland today for the Piston Power Show at the I-X Center this weekend, and I must say it ran great and has never shifted better. Will be interesting to see what the numbers are to/from Hershey. I'll let you know...
  12. Don O'Connor is alive and well and living in Youngstown, Ohio! AND, he will be taking his old 160K+-mile Dodge van to Hershey this coming week along with Rich Hilko and Tony Valdez! Talked to Rich a couple hours ago, they'll be across from Fusick's, and will be there Thursday through Saturday. Don is THE '64 Oldsmobile guru, for sure (though you're right up there, Glenn!)
  13. Wow--that's great about the Bob Evans--sorry about the mistake; I just thought there'd be no way in heck that would be open so soon! Hopefully my error (and your update and correction, of course) will result in more people knowing about that!
  14. I have never had anything but the best customer service from Mike, Dave, Jason, or any of the good people at Fusick's--even to the point of referring me to other places if they did not have a part, or even parts that they were able to get that were not in their catalog. They should help you out immensely!!
  15. The first three years I went to Fall Hershey, was merely a visitor, no car to show, the couple who took me over and I rented rooms in Wormleysburg, on the west side of the Susquehanna, along 11/15 (or close to it); they were reasonable price-wise, and not terribly far to travel. Used to get up around 5 am, and go eat at the Bob Evans (which unfortunately I'm sure will not be open this time around due to Lee's flooding...). Though it's been 7-8 years, should still find some things in that vicinity...
  16. Not to alarm anyone, and the forecast for next week still looks great, but...I did see this from the Derry Twp. Police Department FB entry for this afternoon (Wed., 9/28/11); please update/correct if need be--again, do not want to adversely affect anyone's plans, just want to have news that all is/will be ok, especially after this afternoon's weather... Derry Township Police Department The Swatara Creek is predicted to spills its banks sometime this afternoon and crest well above flood stage later this evening. The prediction is open to change depending on the amount of rainfall the area receives through the day. Deja-Vu right
  17. Well, as of 10 pm Tue., 9/27, next week is looking GREAT! Starting Sunday through Thursday, they are saying ZERO chance of rain EACH DAY, with highs in upper 60s-lower 70s, and lows in the mid-50s! Hope it extends right through the weekend and the car show!
  18. Need to find one of these; I am guessing these are fairly generic; not something that has to be NOS or even AC/Delco or factory; just needing to find one for '65 98; don't think it matters, but not tilt-wheel, is of course column-shift, and does have cornering lamps. Just want to make sure we get the proper unit; I know for '62 these were made out of a somewhat pliable metal that lost tension over time; if I remember correctly, starting in '63 Oldsmobile went to a plastic unit that was more durable (from what I'm told). Didn't know if these were generic to all GM cars from that year, and or Oldsmobiles of the era ('65-'66, for example). Thanks, Mike
  19. OK, just wanted everyone to know that I have a solid, excellent transmission back in the Starfire, took it home this afternoon, and everything shifted and ran great. I did have the front and rear seals replaced on it, and do have the correct speedometer gear back in, so I should not have to worry about this EVER AGAIN!!!! (Let's hope, anyways). I will be getting the other transmissions rebuilt over the course of time, and one will go in the wagon, the other will be one for a back-up, or possibly to sell to a needy individual such as I was a couple of weeks back. So, Hershey, here we come!!
  20. I know this isn't quite the answer you're looking for, but if you take the title of your thread literally, the one thing I always look forward to on my way to Hershey (and in fact, on my way home on Sunday morrning), while cruising along in my '62 Olds Starfire, is the beautiful changing of the season, the wonderful array of colors as you drive along the hills, mountains (and tunnels) of Pennsylvania, and the breathtaking scenery of the autumn leaves against the Alleghenys, the Laurel Highlands, and the central Appalachians (if I have my mountain ranges right!). I'm driving from west to east along the Turnpike, but I'm sure the same can be found regardless of which direction you are coming from, as all roads truly do lead to Hershey the first week of October.
  21. Thanks for the research, will be helpful for sure...
  22. Dave, good info for me and for future reference! As always, thanks!
  23. Driver's side lower door moulding for a '65 Ninety-Eight convertible (2-door, of course!)
  24. Would it be possible in your cross-reference, chequenman, to see what the exact number is for a lower moulding for a two-door '65 98? Maybe the guy had a typo and transposed a couple of numbers?
  25. OK, latest good news here; the fellow is doing me a good deed and working on fixing the transmission this weekend, and said he'll have it good to go by Monday; seals apparently will be addressed and fixed, and from what I can understand (my qualifier, please heed!), there is more to it than just changing the rear housing; something to do an "output shaft", if I remember hearing correctly? But, sounds like Hershey is a-calling for sure, and I'll not have to rely on my GPS to know how fast I'm going...
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