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Everything posted by unimogjohn

  1. A couple of people told me that this worked for them. I have never used it. So it is just a suggestion. I have no financial interest with this firm or product. biozyme urine odor remover
  2. Ben and Bill, we will be in Boston next year, maybe with both Buicks. It is July 1st. We drove 12 hours yesterday. What a long haul over the mountains of West Virginia. But we did OK, no problems. Gas usage was 14 mpg going about 50 in the mountains and 60 on the flats. Total mileage was 582. Arrived at 4 PM, checked into the hotel, and went over to the show registration. What a mad house, people everywhere. Stood in line for 30 minutes and left with our tickets, plate, etc. The event plate is beautiful and well made. We unloaded the car, moved the trailer to the expo grounds as no unloaded trailers permitted at the hotels, and went out to dinner. Got back about 8:30, both pooped for the day, and went to bed. Activities for the day include getting gas for the MB and of course some cleaning, going over to see all the vendors and tour options, and then a paddle wheel cruise and dinner on the Ohio river this afternoon. Over 700 cars registered with 1300 or more people. Old cars are everywhere. Should be an exciting first day. We are going to get to move the cars into the arena grounds on Friday if we want. We will probably do that to give us more time for a final cleaning, and a better chance to look at all the cars. That is what I really want to do.
  3. It is Thursday, July 1st. We made it yesterday to Louisville, KY in 14 hours of drive time. Showing the 23 McLaughlin Buick at our first big AACA meet. I have friends trying to find me the Avanti alternator in Canada, we will see what they come up with. Suppose to be a few up there, we will see. The chase is still on. Here is Greg's report from yesterday, and pics too. Tonight I tried to find something useful to do to the Avanti other than: Waiting for the carpet. Waiting for the vent window runs. Waiting for the camshaft. Waiting for the lifters. Waiting for the assembly lube. Waiting on the gaskets. So in the meantime I did some detail work. Cleaned and prepped the hood latches. Completed the installation and adjustment of the trunk latch. And.....drumroll please......while rooting through a box of stuff.... found the long lost steering column garnish moulding. I'm pleased that the one I Memorexed is so close. The real one is to be cleaned, primed, painted and installed.
  4. www.bobsautomobilia.com rebuilds them to include a new cylinder and key. To do mine it was around $250. The contacts in mine were shot and ignition kept cutting in and out. Give them a call. If it just the key, JB is correct, but usually the cylinder has expanded to the point it will not move even with the key.
  5. Bert, sent you the Stewart Warner Vacuum System manual. Ask away if you have any questions. They are simple and reliable. You will have to tell us if there is anything in the tank. The innards may have been removed, which will complicate things a bit. Here is a pic of mine on the 1928 Buick.
  6. It is Tuesday, June 29th. The farmer down the road has 65 more bales of hay for us, so we are in between packing and getting the hay put up. Did I mention that it is 97 degrees! Well, the Trailblazer is all packed with spare parts, covers, etc, etc; and the car is all loaded and ready to go. Here is a pic of it before we put covers on the glass parts of the car. Just in case a rock decides to take flight. Alice ran into town this morning and got the flat trailer tire repaired, not one nail, but three! We are really looking forward to the meet. Going to be lots of fun for sure. Heading down the road at 4 AM tomorrow. Thanks for all the nice comments. I do appreciate them. Glad you like the car.
  7. Well, my Avanti work has slowed to a crawl so I thought you all might be interested in our trip to the 75th AACA Anniversary Show in Louisville, KY. At least this will be a short thread as we will only be gone for five days. This will be our first big outing for us and the 23 McLaughlin Buick (MB) model 45 Special Export. A little history. I bought the MB over three years ago in Rochester, NY. Had to make two trips up and back from VA to get the car and all the parts. It was an almost complete car (maybe 90%) with all the major mechanicals done, most of the paint, and a partial interior. With the exception of the mechanicals, body and fenders, everything else was in boxes and not marked. Took almost two years to reassemble everything and to find lots of small parts that were lost. Finally, she is about 95% done. We have built the MB to be a good driver. She is not a show car or trailer queen, except to get us places where we have to use the freeway. The car was born in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada and shipped to England as one of perhaps dozen right hand drive export cars. The cars were shipped to England and Australia. I know of only one other 23-45 MB right hand drive, and it is in Australia. The car was purchased by Ethel Edith Hickmott of Maidstone, Kent. Ethel was the daughter of a very wealthy family and lived in the family manor house all her life. Her driver's license from 1925 was found in the door panel of the car where it had slipped out of the pocket and behind a panel. She had the car for many years, and then gave the car to her church where it went to the USA with her pastor who was going on a mission assignment. The car remained in the New England states until we purchased it. This will be her first big event. I was not going to have her judged, but decided to do so just to get a baseline score and for fun. Today, I spent a few hours washing and cleaning, and putting the top down for open car towing. Tomorrow we will load her on the trailer. On Wednesday we plan to be on the road at 4 AM, I figure that we will pull in to our hotel and register the car at 5 or 6 PM. The trip from VA to KY is about 600 miles. Of course there are always mishaps along the way, it always seems like an adventure. Take tonight, I pulled the trailer to a flat spot, and pulled out the ramps to get a start on tomorrow's loading and packing. Good thing I did some checking, the trailer has a flat tire, a nail right through the middle of one tire. I do have a spare, but we will get that tire fixed tomorrow. Like I say, every day is an adventure. Here are some pics of when we got her, and some from today.
  8. It is still Monday, PM. No Alternator! Got a call from the dealer in FL, and they do not have, nor can they get the alternator that they advertise. So, on the hunt again. Found out that Wilson Auto Electric of Canada has them in their catalog. Called the US distributer and of course they said they do not have them, but there are two in Canada. Problem is that I have to be a distributor to order. Have a note into my friends in Canada (who own an auto repair shop) to see if they can get me one of them. Stay tuned.
  9. Susan, will be in the Springhill Suites. John and Alice Feser with the 23 McLaughlin Buick. All washed, top down and ready to load tomorrow.
  10. It is Monday, June 28th. Here is Greg's weekend engine report. Finally getting new engine parts from various vendors. "Pleased to announce a little forward motion. The new R2 valve springs arrived. Spent time today lapping in the valves and seats (again) and assembled the valves, valve springs, dampers , springs, spring retainers, and keepers. Both heads now ready for reassembly."
  11. It is Sunday, June 27th. I posted my need for alternator plight on the Studebaker Turning Wheels forum. I got a reply that the alternator was available new from Spider Marine in southern Florida. So I went to their web site and found the alternator and ordered it. It was on sale too, so $143 including shipping I have a new Prestolite alternator coming. Hopefully, it will be here when we return from Louisville, KY. We are taking the 23 McLaughlin Buick to the 75th AACA Anniversary show.
  12. Sid, try this. Log out of the AACA site (don't does close the window, you must log out of your account), shut down your computer, restart, and then relog in. This should force your computer to acquire the necessary token when logging back in with your id and password. Worked for me a few weeks ago.
  13. Wow! She looks great! Thanks for all the pictures of your work. You should be a very proud papa. You sure will enjoy her, summer is here, and keep that top down. Great job.
  14. It is Saturday, June 26th. I need a plan B! I got the longer bolt at Home Depot, and figured I was home free. Well, went to install it only to find out that the rear ear is too thick and is hitting a bolt that holds the supercharger mount. So if thing is going to work I have to have the ear ground down to half it size, and that may be just barely giving me enough clearance to have the alternator mount slide back far enough to get the belt to line up and ride correctly. To make matters worse, I went to put in that metric hold down adjustment bolt in through the bracket and it slipped out of my hand to parts unknown. I will jack up the car tomorrow and see if I can find it. But I am done for the day. I am beat. Greg offered the use of his spare alternator, maybe plan B is just to take him up on his kind offer.
  15. Bob, I know that there is to be no trailer parking at the host hotel parking lots, but I do believe that there will be designated parking provided at the Expo Center parking area, which is near the hotel and Expo center where all the cars will be located inside I think on just Saturday. I am taking a big chain to make sure my car does not disappear from the trailer. I will have the trailer secured also. I am sure there will be some security provided too. But I will let the "officials" give us the official reply if I am incorrect.
  16. It is Friday, June 25th. Haying today, put up 136 bales, another 100 bales and we will be done and set for the winter. These small bales are used in the grip of winter when the animals cannot get to the big round bales, so they are our emergency stash. We also have a couple of old llamas that have trouble competing for the big bales so we feed them separately from the rest of the herd. But I was able to do some fitment with the new alternator. I thought I might have to change out the pulley on the alternator, but it looks to be sized correctly, so will try it as it is. But, the two underside mounting ears on the unit are thicker than the Prestolite unit. These two ears hold the alternator to the engine alternator bracket. As a result, the long 3/8 x 4 inch bolt is not long enough to get a nut on it; I need another half inch. Looked through all my coffee and cookie cans and could find nothing, so it is off to Home Depot tomorrow. I am sure that I am going to have to cut down something to make it fit. May have to make a quick trip to Greg's place and seek his assistance to cut one to size. On the plus side, I did find a metric bolt for the adjustment ear, so I am good to go. On the Avanti I also have a ground bolt to the alternator. This Denso alternator does not have one, but I was lucky. The four long bolts that hold the two cases and the strator together were threaded all the way through. So I found another smaller metric bolt to fit that hole to ground the case. At least right now I think that it will work if I do not get too crazy and try to tighten the bolt down too hard. So it was a semi-productive day. Hope to have the alternator in tomorrow.
  17. This is what I use. You can get it most places. Shell Rotella SAE 30 Oil, 1 gal. - 0830683 | Tractor Supply Company
  18. Bill, what a great story, and to have the car in the same family is really unique. Mine was painted also in about 74 from Avanti red, to a metallic green. It is really showing its age. The interior is OK, but painted black except where I removed it back to red. The driver's seat is about gone, but the rest of the interior is basically fine for as old as she is. Posting pics are easy. click on "go advanced", scroll down past your message to Attach Files, click on "manage attachments", then all you do is click on "chose file" and find the pic you want to display, and then double click on the pic. You do the same choose function for each pic you want. When you are done choosing, just click "upload". When uploaded, just submit. The program automatically resizes your pics to the right size so you do not have to worry about making them smaller. Good luck, look forward to the pics. And you have a great group of cars too. We need to see them also.
  19. Still Wednesday, PM; hot again 101 degrees. This hot weather is way too early for Virginia. Usually not like this until August. Just got a surprise. The FedEx truck rolled in and dropped off the new 35 amp alternator. It is a rebuilt unit by LUCAS. It was initially made by DENSO. I am sure that there is going to be some minor fit issues. I know I have to get a metric bolt for the hold down unless I want to drill and tap for standard. So I think I will head into town tomorrow and get a metric one unless I can find one in my junk jar of bolts. There are two shielded bolts marked with B, I assume the battery connection. Of course you only use one, maybe there are two because of different applications. Otherwise, I hope the installation will go smoothly. I will be on the lookout for a Prestolite unit to keep the engine bay all original, but this will get and keep the Avanti back up and running. Here are a couple of pics of the new unit.
  20. It is Wednesday, June 24th. I debated if I should continue the oil discussion, but I found this to be interesting, and I could actually understand it. So decided to add it. It is between Greg, Bob and another engineer. Right now I am running 10-40 weight, conventional detergent oil with a bottle of ZDDP in the Avanti right now. Will probably continue to do so. I know I am burning some oil at start-up probably due to old and leaking valve seals. As long as the engine continues to be healthy I am not going to open her up and start replacing parts. But here is Greg's note to me. Just a note that I do use Mobile 1 in my 2002 Chev Trailblazer's six cylinder. It has 165,000 on it now and continues to run great, with the exception that it has piston skirt slap, so it sounds like a diesel at start-up. It uses no oil between changes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: Re: FW: Slippery subject. (To: greg from Bob, the retired Ford Engineer) Thought you might be interested in the following from an engine guy I know in Minnesota. Tim is a mechanical engineer and speaks with good authority on the subject. Mobil 1 15W-50 The modern, mainstream Mobil 1 to use. 1200 ppm Phos 1300 ppm Zinc Mobil 1 V-Twin 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil is the old Mobil 1 20W-50 auto oil recommended for early Lotus 9XX engines... same stuff, re-labeled for motorcycles. Motorcycles have not yet been saddled with the reduced ZDDP mandates. Good stuff, high ZDDP, fully balanced additive package. 1600 ppm Phos 1700 ppm Zinc Mobil 1 Racing Oil 0W-50 Use as a ZDDP booster for track days. Mix a quart or two of Racing Oil in with the Mobil 1 street oil of your choice (above). The street additive package in the remaining quarts of either street oil above will be sufficient for a normal change interval. If you choose to run straight Racing Oil, then change the oil frequently... like 3 months / 500 miles. 1750 ppm Phos 1850 ppm Zinc Brad Penn® Penn Grade 1 Hi-Perf Oil 20W-50 Welcome! Former Kendall Refinery located in Bradford, Pa. (Brad Penn) - Hi-ZDDP performance motor oil, highly regarded by the big-block, big-cam, flat tappet hot-rod, drag race crowd. Mail order or specialty speed shops. 1400 ppm Phos 1500 ppm Zinc Valvoline VR1 Racing Oil (mineral oil) No more ZDDP than the Mobil 1 15W-50 synthetic street oil. 1200 ppm Phos 1300 ppm Zinc Valvoline "Not Street Legal" Racing Oil It's NSL only because it's ZDDP level exceeds API limits. NSL lacks the street additives needed for extended serice intervals, so "NSL should be changed every 3 months/ 500 miles" (quote from Valvoline website). Slightly more ZDDP than Mobil 1 15W-50 synthetic street oil, but less ZDDP than Mobil 1 V-Twin 20W-50 Motorcycle Oil (ie, the old Mobil 1 20W-50 street oil). 1300 ppm Phos 1400 ppm Zinc Redline Red Line Synthetic Oil and Amsoil get high marks, but I don't have the ZDDP content data handy. Amsoil's XL-7500 is API certified (ZDDP level within API limits), but the rest of it's oils are not certified since they contain high ZDDP levels in excess of the API's upper limits. Green people tend to zing Amsoil, but high performance/ motorsports guys like it. API SM specifically excludes the high viscosity grades from the reduced ZDDP requirement. xxW-50 and above can have ZDDP levels that are deemed safe for flat tappet cams. However, it's "allowed" but not mandated, so there's no guarantee that all brands of hi-vis oils have high ZDDP. You have to do your homework. 1200p / 1300z ... Desireable minimum for flat tappet/ big cam engines 1000p / 1100z ... Modern reduced-ZDDP version of "high" ZDDP... ......................... Porsche. Viper. HT/TS applications. Low for us. ~800p / 900z ..... Generic modern, low-vis, "emissions" API SM oils ~600 ppm .......... API SM minimum ZDDP *~*~*~* ZDDPlus additive for motor oils. ZDDPlus™ - ZDDP Additive for Classic Cars - Agricultural Equipment & More Redline ZDDP additive for motor oils ("break in" additive) Red Line Synthetic Oil - Motor Oil for Racing - Engine Oil Break-In Additive 17000 ppm Phos 20500 ppm Zinc 36202 ppm Sulphur Redline's ZDDP additive -- increases of phos/ zinc content per quart resulting from using one bottle (16oz.) per the following amounts of oil: ........................ Phos / Zinc 15 quarts ... 610 ppm / 736 ppm 12 quarts ... 763 ppm / 920 ppm 10 quarts ... 915 ppm / 1104 ppm 8 quarts ... 1145 ppm / 1380 ppm 7 quarts ... 1307 ppm / 1577 ppm 6 quarts ... 1525 ppm / 1840 ppm 5 quarts ... 1830 ppm / 2208 ppm 4 quarts ... 2288 ppm / 2760 ppm 1 quart ..... 9160 ppm/ 11040ppm ........................ Phos / Zinc That's an increase over and above what was already in the oil. Use wisely since there's such a thing as too much ZDDP. Also, ZDDP is most effective when used in balance with other additives, such as molybdenum and sulphur. Wildly adding ZDDP without a complimentry dose of other additives isn't going to produce the result you're hoping for. I like the idea of using Mobil 1 Racing Oil 0W-50 as a ZDDP additive for Mobil 1 15W-50 street oil. It's fully compatible, and the elevated ZDDP levels in the racing oil is part of a fully balanced additive package. As usual with any advice, YMMV. Best regards, Bob
  21. Bill, how about some pics of your Avanti, and a bit of its history. I have the Avanti refresh thread going on the Our Cars and Restorations forum.
  22. Bill, here is a link to all the Avanti colors on just about everything. http://www.studebaker-info.org/text3/text2009/detailpaint.html This link is Bob Johnstone's web site has a wealth of information for you. Bob Johnstone's Studebaker and Avanti Page (Studebaker Tech Help and Troubleshooting Info)
  23. John, on the 23, I picked up an inner cable (someone made it), but not the sleeve. I thought the one I had would word, but it would not attach to the back of the speedo itself. Why do things have to be so hard? So am still in need of the cable and sleeve. Thanks for asking. You ready to let loose of your spare?
  24. Pssmis, a couple of pics would help us visualize what you are dealing with, so we might offer better solutions.
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