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Shop Rat

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Posts posted by Shop Rat

  1. The CJE's are a more valuable tool to the judges once they go through the regular one enough times to catch all the regular stuff and it "sticks". I think that after a certain number of times of going to the basic school, unless there is a new one created, the more experienced judges should be able to come by and pick up the new book. Along with a list of any changes to it and where to find them to review before the judging begins. The CJE's are done the day of the show after the judges breakfast, which must be attended, so there would be the class per year to go to.

    People don't need to keep taking "Judging 101" every year. Especially the ones that are juding at several shows in a year.

  2. I vote with you. Until a couple years ago a friend here in W. Va. had a stunning 1913 Brass Model T. Total frame off restoration. The body was midnight blue and the fenders were black. He had flannel lined covers for every piece of brass on it. I got to ride in it one day and was so thrilled. He sold it to a couple up north who are showing and enjoying it very much. My friend had to have both shoulders operated on so the car became too much for him to care for. He still has a 1923 T that he takes on local rides and T-Tours. But he equipt it with electric start since the surgeries on his shoulders.

  3. Sounds like a great idea to me. If we don't continue to get new ones then sooner or later we are going to end up repeating the ones we have already taken. Sure, we can learn new information from new instructors that might cover something another one did not. But totally new CJE's would be great.

  4. Well, when you consider that our region has been idle for a year trying to get SOMEONE to step forward to take the reins and be responsible for keeping the club going, this was as soon as we could get together.

    The meeting was actually to see if there was anyone interested enough to keep the club running. And after a letter I wrote, as past secretary, stating that if no one would step forward the club would fold and the treasury be distributed, someone finally took up the cause and our club will come back to life. But it took sixteen months of us, my husband is the past president, stating that a new president and a new secretary would need to elected to keep the club going. If not then it was in deep trouble. We had done what we could for as long as we could and it was someone elses turn.

    So that is why it took so long. But at least we did come up with $200 to help. Plus Bill and I donated what we could afford which was $40. That may not sound like much, but we had to get a car for his daughter and deliver it to Mass. before the rattle-trap truck she was driving broke down on her once and for all. So there went over $18,000 out of our retirement savings before we were done. Charity had to begin at home this year for our family.

    And I am going to say it now. I did not appreciate the personal attacks on me on the R&R board about the donations. Nor the e-mail that I recieved at home. Until you live in my house and know what I have to deal with, it would be best not to criticize what you don't know about.

    I did however appreciate the kind words and support of people to came forward with messages stating that they did not agree with the attacks.

  5. Merely for interest's sake here is how the Verizon safety on-line training and testing went.

    It was in sections. There was a test at the end of each section. For ANY wrong answer on the test you were taken back to the paragraph(s) that covered that question so that you could re-read the information and re-test on it. As you passed each section, and you had to get them 100% right, you passed on to the next section and the test that went with it. At the end they sent a notification e-mail to the current supervisor that you had completed the training and testing, and it was entered into our personnel records.

    It was very easy to use and you had to score 100% to pass.

    And just so you all know, the folks in judges training do take suggestions and use them. Several years ago I sent a letter to Bob Laidlein and suggested that they use a laser pointer, or regular pointer, to show the component that was being talked about. Some of the slides were dark and not well defined and if you already did not know what the component was, then how could you tell what you were looking at? At the very next school, and ever after, they have used a laser pointer to help new judges look in the correct place for what is being discussed. Of course a laser pointer is way cheaper than setting up on-line judges training. But maybe the AACA could drum up some money or get donated tech support to get it set up so that they do not bear all the costs.

  6. I agree to an extent on the tradition of certain activities. I also think that there might be a reliance on the local community for support of an event. When we go to New Bern, N.C. for their AACA show, the shops along the street where the cars are, open more hours for the people at the show. And businesses open their parking lots to the people coming to see the cars and welcome them at no charge. They also provide lots for classes of cars when they run out of room on the streets for them. So there is the over-all hospitality of an area to think about.

    As far as Sturgis goes, it is out in the boondocks. No one bothers them and if you have never seen videos of some of the stuff that goes on there, most places would not tolerate it. blush.gif

  7. There is a group with strong AACA ties called I-VAN that appraises antique cars. Eric Marsh is one of the guys in the group as is Jeff Locke. If you would like to know how to get in touch with them let me know. They also do appraisals for when a car is damaged by fire or a wreck for lawsuits or insurance.

  8. Peter, I was trying to stay out of trouble for hijacking his thread while putting a humorous reply. That is why I put Re: in front of mine and did not respond right under his, that would have been a hijack . I thought this was what you wanted us to do to not hijack serious questions, but still be able to respond.

    If I got it wrong then please clarify what I should have done. Just trying to adhere to the rules. smile.gif

  9. So glad to hear that they are doing well. Any idea when they get to come home?

    I actually have a ferret that outweighs the little guy. "Junior" is 3 lbs. and 4 oz. So he must be very tiny. wink.gif Just wait until he is like my sixteen year-old grandson, 6' 2" and 205 lbs. and asking for the keys to the car. grin.gif

  10. Not going to go. Hate having to travel that time of year, plus we have animals and that makes it even more difficult to have to travel in bad weather. In good weather we take them in the RV, no problem. But many motels want to charge $10 per pet per night, and ours are in cages. Two ferrets and a guinea pig. Sorry, not paying an extra $30 per night.

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