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Posts posted by stock_steve

  1. Good morning and Happy Wednesday!... Still on our extended Hershey 2014 Car Corral browse... This time we have a magnificent mid-'50s Chrysler Imperial 2-door... Wow, whatta car... "That thing got a Hemi in it?" (I'm going to assume it does)...





    How about that plate? Get it?!


    Cropped and enhanced portion of the interior shot--yes that does appear to be an under-dash record player...


  2. No. I kick myself for not asking. I was just intrigued by its story, and busy taking photos. I think I was in "I can't afford it, so won't ask" mode, instead of "journalist" mode

    I fixed the post, though, as I had the wrong year listed. It is a 1929 Type 37.

    Yes, I often find myself asking myself why I didn't try to gather up any more information about the subject of various photos I take also, afterwards, when I'm going thru the photos that I took. Sometimes I luck out when I can enlarge the photo to discern some details from the window card, for sale sign, etc..

    By the way, latest AA arrived in little old Stony Creek, CT yesterday, and WOW, what a TREMENDOUS Hershey report in there! Along with tons of other great stuff as well! THANKS and NICE JOB West and everyone who makes it happen!

  3. One more for lunchtime today... 1977 AMC Barcelona (custom-edition Matador)... Wow... I also did some googling on flags of Barcelona, and found that the red & yellow theme (that appears on the "Barcelona" badge, and also within a small emblem on the opera window) seems to be predominant, ref: http://www.pics4world.com/vb/showthread.php?t=5579 ... P.S.: I did take a few pictures of that super-nice '64 Rambler wagon that was next to it, on a different day, but I'll be getting to those eventually for sure. What I'm trying to do is present my pictures *in the order they were taken*... Have a great rest of your day...








  4. Last one for today, from the Hershey 2014 Car Corral... I liked this grouping of cars, and the shadows they cast. Closest to the camera is a '47 Hudson (yes, I cheated and blew up the window card for that), the one in the middle I am stumped on, and then the far one is an early '50s Chevy, I believe... Any help on identifying that middle car?... Happy Friday and Happy Weekend!



  5. Good morning and Happy Friday!.. Here comes a cool little Nash Metropolitan making its way thru the Car Corral, possibly followed by a '37 Ford (best guess anyway)... Some strategic cropping, enlarging, and rudimentary image enhancement attempts suggest that the Met may have been a '59 Model, with a $16,900 asking price, and the suspected '37 Ford behind it looks to have been indicated as being "all original" and with a "$15,000 - make offer" asking price... Happy Friday once again...





  6. Beautiful little Morris panel delivery truck, apparently being offered by Ragtops of West Palm Beacn (http://www.ragtopsmotorcars.com/)... Blowing up my picture didn't yield too much info, but does that look like a ~$12k asking price?... I did a little big more googling today and found this listing on Hemmings, indicating it was a '71 model (if it's the same car?), and other info: http://www.hemmings.com/classifieds/dealer/morris/minor/1586942.html



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