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Posts posted by stock_steve

  1. That cab on the T-Bird hauler appears to be 48-52 ford and the Ellingson panel truck at the Connecticut show is a 34 Ford.

    Thanks for that info Dave. At the time I got to taking those photos, it was late in the day, and I don't remember seeing any windshield identification card on the vehicle. The fellow who owned it, however, was a real nice guy and was pleasant to chat with. I think I recall his saying that he came down from around the northeast corner of the state to participate in this shoreline event. Evidently the museum was one or two owners ago in the truck's life...

  2. Boy did we drive! Went to the Buick Nationals. Drove our 1937 Buick 1,553 miles round trip from Chambersburg Pa. to South Bend Indiana and back. The photo is of our car and fellow BCA member David Balfarb's 1928 model 25 that he drove from Washington D.C. David recieved the long distance award. [ATTACH=CONFIG]205805[/ATTACH]

    That's some RIGHTEOUS old car mileage, Larry, wow! My hat is off to you!

    As I am a recently-new BCA member myself, I've been doing my best to try and capture Buicks when I see them at car shows, and there were a few very nice ones at the Guilford, CT "Time Machines" event yesterday. I will probably eventually be adding several of my Buick shots to the Buick picture thread over in the Buick section, once I extract more of them from the camera and find the time to label and upload:


    Keep those Buicks rolling!

    Over and out for now!

  3. I drove my gnarly '69 Bug over to the Guilford Fairgrounds in Guilford, CT, to participate in the VW-class, within the bit "Time Machines 2013" antique auto show & flea market, yesterday, Sunday, July 28th, 2013, ref: TimeMach

    I think you can see my scruffy Convertible Bug near the center of this shot, which features many of the very beautiful show-quality old-VWs that participated:


    I think the overall attendance of the event was down a bit, due to various rain that was in the weatherman's forecast, but in the end, only a few minor sprinkles near the end of the day (which I think caused the organizers to push up the awards ceremony by about a half hour or so).

    All in all, a great day in Guilford!

  4. They're all lectures, even if you like what's being said.

    Every one of these also eventually blames whoever is the most prominent Democrat for what's wrong with whatever the subject happens to be, which is apparently not just allowed but encouraged under the rules now. It'll be interesting to see who the next bogey man is going to be, and how many things he/she is in charge of destroying.

    And eventually someone makes a blanket statement ridiculing intelligence and/or education, although the stigma of attending a public school 40 years ago is a new one.:D

    And then eventually the last post gets deleted and the thread locked. Don't look for this one to be around long. It's a bit like living a Dusty Springfield song ("I've heard it all a million times before....").:)

    Yeah, new people would find this very attractive.:rolleyes:

    I respect you, your intelligence, and your viewpoints, Dave.

    But sometimes I think you should just give it a rest.

    Forum moderators I'm sure have their hands full with people far nuttier than us, so I'm not going to make any comments about that scene any more.

    Perhaps some day people like us will be able to redirect our anger at the world toward accomplishing positive solutions--that's a goal of mine anyway.

    Just my respectful opinions, and I wish you all the best.


  5. "The younger generation". Yeah, right.


    I'm 55 years old. I was "brainwashed" in school in this manner. Everybody who pays any attention to reality knows the environmental impact of automobiles, and the short- and long-term consequences thereof. Just because this science existed when a "younger" person was schooled doesn't mean a d@mn thing, especially when "young" includes people approaching retirement already. Either education and expertise mean something to one, or they don't. It may be that age erodes the perception or appreciation of expertise, but that hardly is the fault of those who are perceptive and appreciative.

    The very idea that denial of this aspect of automobile ownership is going to be a mitigation among others is daft. It may be that as an individual it is something that one would ignore/deny. That is often a response to what has been called "an inconvenient truth" in more than just this phenomenon. However to the "brainwashed" even the appearance that real scientific facts are being dismissed is distasteful. It speaks to an unenlightened view on a subject of importance, and drives people away in hoards no matter their age.

    It isn't what is taught about cars that is part of the problem, although the negative reaction to it illustrated here certainly is. It is our failure to express what cars meant to our generation and those previous to ours, and what that means to "younger" people. There isn't anyone alive today who can remember an age when seeing the Grand Canyon, the Hamptons, Yellowstone, Yosemite, or even the suburbs was the province of the wealthy. The age when middle-class children only saw grass on special trips to a park has been gone for many generations now. The age when you had to work within walking distance of your home has been over too long to be remembered. When was the last time you heard anyone discuss this aspect of automobiles? Do you think your grandchildren know anything of this?

    It is that value to our cars, and the legacy of it with out society today, that is not being taught. Instead of reacting like obsessed spoiled children denying anything wrong with any aspect of something we like, perhaps if we countered the real science (environmental and sociological) about car ownership with real perspective on what personal transportation has meant to society (and will mean in the future as the negative impacts are mitigated) then people might see the import of preserving this legacy and by connection our cars. If we don't, and we continue to waste energy pretending there was never anything wrong about the automobile, then we're no different in many eyes than a racist who pines for "the old days".

    I just remembered what I don't miss about threads like this: The Lectures.

  6. Yesterday I finally dove into replacing my '60 Bug's generator, with a very nicely rebuilt unit from "Joe's Auto Electric II," which is located in Middletown, CT, ref: Auto Repair Middletown, CT - Joe's Auto Electric II

    My '60 Bug's red generator idiot light had been on for a while, and I did some minor fooling around (replacing the voltage regulator, etc.) with no success to deal with it, so I decided "it was time" to get the spare "bad" generator, that I had removed some years ago (for whining bearings), finally rebuilt. Mr. Jonathan Albert, who is the "head guy" at Joe's Auto Electric II was recommended to me by another old VW friend, and I was very pleased with the customer service I received, the price, the turnaround time, and ultimately the *jewel* of a rebuilt generator that I received when I got the call that it was ready.

    It sat for several weeks while other stuff went on in the garage, and finally yesterday, which looked pretty open, I dove into it, knowing I wanted to remove the engine to do the job, and knowing how long all of that would take. I took my time and worked methodically. It was a tough job, and perhaps could have been done w/o removing the engine, but I figured overall it was the way to go for me. Approximately 7 hours later I was ready to start up the car, and, what do you know--no more red generator light! Yay!

    Here are a couple of photos from after I got the work area cleaned up again, and got myself cleaned up again also (I was a greasy, sweaty, gasoline-smelling mess).


    That gorgeous generator sure makes the rest of my engine look crummy! I should add that Jon also asked me to supply the voltage regulator and fan belt pulley halves, so that he could verify the system was working properly, and also for the additional cosmetic refinishing that he did on all of those pieces. I definitely would recommend "Joe's Auto Electric II" highly. Jon also said that if I had any problems doing the installation that I could bring the car to his shop and he could also do it for me (and in probably a lot less than seven hours)!

    It is also worth adding that Jon's company also positively supports our hobby, as shown by the *full page ad* he purchased in the show booklet for the recent AACA Central CT Region Glastonbury car show, that was held June 9th, 2013.

    Thanks again Jon and everyone at "Joe's Auto Electric II" in Middletown, CT!

    Almost forgot to mention that I drove my gnarly '69 Bug to work today! Gotta take advantage of this nice summer weather while we can...




  7. Sprang for another set of Taiwan special chrome dome hubcaps for the '69 Bug, and like the look on the black wheels with the whitewall tires (photo from Saturday, July 13th, 2013):


    The following day I drove out to Westbrook, CT, to participate in the CT VW Association's very cool (that's figurative, of course, since it was a scorcher out there) all-VW event at the Elks Lodge. Fun times, and very nice work by the CVA folks organizing and running the event! Ref: Connecticut Volkswagen Association



  8. Maybe this one was restored, John, I don't know, but it didn't look rusty.

    Here are the next group of shots. We are now on the Parkway proper (technically it doesn't become the "Merritt Parkway" until you cross the Housatonic River, so I guess we are on the Wilbur Cross Parkway for these three shots), heading south.

    Sorry about the poor quality third shot--I figured I'd still add it, though, since it still tells some of the story--as you can see, I was driving the beater '92 Taurus wagon yesterday...




  9. Had the travel camera handy again this morning when I saw what looked to be a cool old Jeep way up ahead of me on I-95, and then saw him getting off at the "Milford Connector" exit (the one that connects I-95 to the Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways, in Milford, CT--sorry I don't know the exit number).

    Tried to catch up to him heading north on the Connector, and finally got behind him by the big loop at the north end. Eventually got a couple more quick glimpses of him once on the Merritt, right before I had to get off. These shots are the first few (first two are heading up the connector and three through five are entering and on the loop itself), and I'll follow up with a few more as I get the chance to process and upload them.

    I was able to make out a "Jeepster Commando" emblem on the side of the car, and from some googling, it appears they were made from '66 to '73, and since this one had the older front end, it must've been a '71 or earlier model. Reference: Jeepster Commando - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia






  10. The Friendlys in Great Barrington, Mass. also closed up a while ago. Always seemed to do good business. Must have been a higher up management problem as the parking lot was full a lot of the time. Dandy Dave!

    Digging Around the Web.... Bankrupt... Great Barrington Friendly's Casualty in Bankruptcy / iBerkshires.com - The Berkshires online guide to events, news and Berkshire County community information.

    Bad economy took down a lot of businesses.

    It appears the Branford one closed in January of 2012, ref: UPDATE: Remembering a Friendly Place - Business in Branford - Branford, CT Patch

    Like your observation, Dandy Dave, this one also seemed to be very busy all the time...

  11. Super Stop & Shop shopping plaza, Leetes Island Road, Branford, CT, on a very hot & muggy afternoon, Tuesday, July 9th, 2013...


    Yup, that Friendly's in the background has been out of business for what must be a year or so now. Sure miss their ice cream, and reasonable prices for occasional sit-down meals with my kids...


  12. Did a tiny little bit of shopping while out doing some pleasure driving with the '69 Bug this past Saturday, July 6th:


    Decided to vary the look a bit the following day by removing the trim rings and installing some black-painted (Taiwan special) dome hubcaps; super-low-quality rattle can krylon gloss black--definitely need to strip and re-do those with some good quality automotive paint:


  13. Thanks Steve, that's a cool idea but an awful lot of money for a box. I'm more concerned with inexpensive function than appearance. <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    Especially expensive considering the company is out of business.

    Figured it would not hurt to pass along some potentially helpful info. I am sorry that it was not considered useful.

  14. Well, instead of driving the '70 Bug out to a local-area car show like I had been thinking of doing, I decided to work on finishing up the Creeky '69 Bug's brake hydraulics (a project that started out as a simple master cylinder replacement a month or so ago, and which "blossomed" into much more)...

    Once I was finally finished, I decided to do some local-area test driving on a beautiful morning, Thursday, July 4th, 2013...

    First stop was the southern end of Thimble Islands Road, at the intersection of Flying Point Road & Prospect Hill Road, in Stony Creek. Some of the Thimble Islands themselves are visible in the background...


    And after that I drove over to Guilford, to another scenic couple of spots, at the end of Trolley Road, and the beach at Joshua Cove. Looked like low tide, and some clammers busy out there also...


    Later on in the day I attended a big family cookout (drove the '70 Bug there--with the TOP DOWN of course!).

    In all, it was a Great Independence Day 2013!





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