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Posts posted by BUKE

  1. Just to let you know your investment is already paying off.Look at all the flowers you have recived already and more to come in your young life.just reading the members remarks let's you know you are welcome here Welcome to the B C A and the form looking forward to seeing you and your Buick at one of our nationals.

    Have a great BUICK day


  2. I am almost sure thay are interchang but must ask someone to be sure. The color i have are tan

    Perhaps. What color is the interior? And is it different than the '94? I could use the door panels if they are the same.


  3. MrEarl.First let thank you for setting this thread up. I want to thank Jack Welch for running for the board I know he will put his very best effort in working for the entire B C A. membership.A lot of the members will remember the great work he did on two national meets in danvers MA. He is a man of his word and a very vigorous man. I to like Byran (BJM) like his point of vews on the nationals brought back to the chapters and the time limit on the board.I especially am very encourage on his thoughts for all buick's on the field.I look at all he has achieved in BCA. and his other endeavors in automobile clubs that he is the man I want up at the plate when we need the big hit.I am sure as the time comes closer the members will see Jack is the right choice.

    Have a great BUICK day

    frank (buke)

  4. I gotta tell you guys out there - this forum is the greatest. I had been looking for the footrest for my '20 K-46 for quite a few years. Brother Brian Heil just happened to mention that he might know where one would be. This is when Larry DiBarry and I got together. He had just exactly what I was looking for. He wouldn't sell it to me though. The package showed up on my back doorstep one day with the footrest inside. Beautiful footrest. I offered some bear hugs and slobbery kisses (the guy kind) but he wasn't interested in them either. A nice friendship has grown around that rest. A couple of weeks ago Larry sent me a picture of the correct footrest that HE was looking for for his '25. It just so happened that I had that exact rest out in the shop. I sent him some photos and he got pretty excited too. He offered the same bear hugs and slobbery kisses to me. (sorry Larry, I'm not interested in those either). A few days later he gets the rest and he has the thing almost ready to go in the car. Now, is this cool or what? Two Buick fanatics get what they were really needing for their cars. I don't know about the rest of you guys, but, Larry and I are having more fun than two Jaybirds in a Mulberry Patch!

    Terry Wiegand

    Doo Dah America

    That's what happens when you join a great club and the BUICK form

    Have a great BUICK day


  5. Since we were on the South Bend museum tour apparently I did not get the message. No one came up to me and told me to move my shabby 1,553 mile round trip 1937-41 from the field. When I judged on Saturday morning is when I noticed all the driven cars in the lot across the street. Someone I overheard later said it should have been moved. Oh well, sorry if I upset any of my neighbors.


    OH HOW IT HURTS TO HEAR THE WORD SHABBY IN THE SAME BREATH WITH BUICK.I to agree Larry that your car should be were it was. I do appreciate the board's hard work but I think there should be much more effort in keeping us all united. My next thought is to show our new members that we are a GREAT club not a bunch of snubs.i once owend a frame off 55 roadmaster that won gold the first time out in plano tx. but I sold it because I could not drive it (to nervous).I now have four buick's that I call drivers and smile every time I hear a horn or a see a wave. I congratulate every BUICK I see. With the grace off god and if the creek don't rise I will drive my 1940 from boston ma. to Portland OR..and park nextto somebody with 6 kids and a bUICK wagon.nufsaid.

    Have a great BUICK day


  6. For my two cent's. I definitely agree with Mark and Brian. I love to drive my buick and to show it at our nationals. In my opinion I to pay the same amount of dues as everybody and should be treated as such. Last year may have been a mistake(closed fence) but other years I have felt left out . As for drivers who drive their buicks thay have to endure quite a good deal of trouble to get to the meet no matter how far. (flat tires,heet brakdowns, inlaws,and the future buick's drivers. that being said I do not feel bad about being forced to park next to a trailer queen.My full support is in putting all buick's on the field side by side.I am also proud to say I do volunteer at the meets and enjoy it.

    have a great BUICK day

    Frank (Buke)

  7. well I brought another 1996 roadmaster sedan. almost like the one I found in the junk yard and sold to my( outherbrother) Jack same color but a little different (built cheeper) I would put some pictures up but I still don't know how Maybe my 8yr granddaughter will come down and do it for me. Have a great BUICK year

    buke (frank

  8. Good morning everybody. I am thinking about starting a new chapter in central Florida. It will be in the Leesburg and the villages area. I am working with a great Buick dealership and one of their top notch sales man. We have talked with Mike and Nancy Brooks and with their help this may work. I am asking everyone in the Leesburg and villages area if you are interested in joining us. Though I am very naïve about starting this chapter. I have talked with the salesman from Philips Buick and he is very upbeat about starting this club he has told me that Philips would let us have a room for our meetings whenever we needed it. I know this is not too much information about it but it's a start I think the Buick club of America is a great organization to belong to with some great people to talk about and asked for their help for your Buick. Remember you do not have to own a Buick to become a club member and enjoy its benefits. If you're interested please let me know you can either answer here in the form or e-mail me at buke143@charter.net thank you very much.

    Have a great Buick day

    Frank (buke)

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