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Posts posted by BUKE

  1. I stumbled upon a boat till today. It's in pretty good shape. I don't want the car but maybe silly out there is looking for a Buick boat till. The sign on the car says runs good and stops good. I took a quick look at it and I bet that it's a good project: I did find some tiny holes in the roof it was probably sit in Florida Sun for a long time. If anybody is interested I will give it a closer look and take pictures(if I can figure out how to put them in the form) I have no idea what this car is worth and I do not know the owner. But if someone is interested let me know and I will investigate it.

    Have a great Buick day


  2. Bill. Thank you for the update I have talked to Nancy about it and and she said about what you just said the same thing. Being that in mind maybe we can promise the East Coast another national long before 2001. I for one think that would be a fair exchange and maybe put the subject the bed.

  3. I am trying to understand why the 2015 BCA non-judged meet in Allentown PA is such a concern for eastern area BCA members.

    I have been told that the AACA judging was the basis for the BCA judging manual. Hershey PA is only 75 miles from Allentown. So if you insist on having your car judged, you could enter it for judging at the AACA meet in Hershey after attending the BCA meet in Allentown. This would also allow you to have it previewed by BCA members (judges) in Allentown and still have time for final preparations before the Fall Hershey meet. mark if the Buick member wanted to go to Hershey and it is simply just a 70 mile trip down the road he would. But you know to have you car judged at the BCA meet is important to the members. Just think if the Portland meet did not have their cards judge that West Coast meet wouldn't have been such a success. The bottom line is people work hard at restoring the cars as you did and want them judged. I truly believe that Allentown should have judging I certainly hope the committee is not bowing down to one person. What makes our club is the members and members pay their dues. I for one look for my bugle every month and look forward to going to Buick meets and especially look forward going to the nationals. I work hard to have my 1940 Buick ready for each year. Though I never put in the 400s judge system I enjoy driving their and volunteered to judge at every meeting I've been to. I have yet to been to meet with the judging committee not having enough volunteers. So comparing Hershey with the BCA meet is like comparing apples and oranges.

  4. Hi everybody. I know Hershey's couple weeks behind us but I just now got back home. I had a great time made a couple dollars spent a couple dollars but I got to say hello to a lot of friends to discuss a lot of things. I just want to put my two cents into the Allentown show. I know it's been discussed but I just have to put my opinion in. I believe that the Allentown show is so far away that things can be changed and it should not be written in stone yet. I am in favor of this being a totally judge show it is an East Coast show and it draws quite a few attendance. There are many people that simply cannot either afford the time to travel across half the United States to have their cars judged. They to pay the same dues and work real hard to keep our Buick club alive. I know they work on their cars and some have never had them judged and are looking forward to this opportunity. I do not think that there opportunity should be ignored. I know this is an anniversary year but every year's anniversary year for some car if it was so important anniversary year the show should have been held in Flint this year. With the crowd that is expected I am sure there'll be enough volunteers to staff the judging committee. I think just the members of this form along and put their opinions out there and had their own poll the board might reconsider this. I for one will be there to judge and give all my time to it everyday need. I don't say this in anger but in my case no judge in and I won't take the time to come up there. So again I ask for the president on down the whole board to reconsider this and think of all the people that would love to have their cars judged. have a great Buick day

    BUKE (Frank)

  5. This is a really interesting thread. I have judged at more BCA Nationals than I can remember, having been everything from a judge to a Head Judge. The 400 point is actually a great system that in most cases could not be fairer than it is. I did judge at this years National in Portland, and one thing I have noticed is that whenever a meet is held for the first time in a location , many of the cars presented for judging lose points for reasons that do not occur at meets in the Midwest for instance .(where there have been a great deal of Nationals) Owners showing some really nice cars lose points for reasons that really do not take much to correct. (wrong valve stem caps, wrong hose clamps, fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror). Having said all that my team judged more cars that turned out to be brand new Seniors that I can ever remember and they were all very well deserved.

    I know when I have acted as team captan (and I have seen others do this also), we will often tell an owner that non authentic accessories will cost him points if they are there when we judge the car, thereby giving them a few minutes to make such items disappear.

    Any of you that know Bill Bergstrom, will know that he has driven his 1940 wagon at least 40 thousand mlles since it was restored and he still continues to get a senior preservation award whenever he shows his car. (so much for needing to be a trailer queen to win)

    With the 400 point system cars are not actually judged against one another, but against a standard. I have seen unrestored cars win silver and bronze awards. A car can lose a whole lot of points and still get an award.

    There are many members that feel that the time and investment in their cars as well as the distances to be traveled to the National meets indicate that they would rather tow than drive. There is no down side to either approach.

    In all the years I have been judging , I have never been on a bad judging team that killed the cars we were judging, in fact many teams really try to give advice (after judging) to help owners correct issues and prepare for other meets.

    The current 400 point system was copied from the AACA judging system, which has worked well fro them for many years.

    Just my two cents worth.

    hi Jack( I can't say that in an airport) as you know I always respect your knowledge on the BCA and on the Buick's. But I do have one complaint about the judging. I was on a team with a brand-new inexperienced captain( now I know everybody can't be experienced onto you have done it once or twice) but of course I would mention any names at a respect for them and the club. But my team captain was overwhelmed with paperwork. We had over a dozen cards in our class which is IC is too much for any Capt. We had two judges that I believe never judge the Buicks before but the judge for another car nationals show. Jack I must tell you that my captain and those two judges killed every car that we judged I complained to him that him and those two judges were spending more than 30 min. on the cars. He gave me the reason that he spent in that much time on it was because he wanted to do it right. Now remember we had over one dozen cars in our class. Myself and another judge were finished in less than 5 min. again we had over a dozen cars to judge we ended up at the banquet and I watched I believe eight bronzes and two gold. I know of one senior that didn't even get gold. Now I know I should have talked to a head judge about my team but I cowered instead. I know that every one of those 12 cars and more work very hard to be there with their Buicks I would not be surprised if we don't lose at least eight members in the BCA out of that class alone. Let me just say this it was a good show the administration did a good job I am not here to judge anyone on our board I just had to get that off my chest. I've judged about 10 shows and I will continue to judge. I do think every judge and Capt. for working so hard on our meets.
  6. It's off to the BUICK show I go.I am flying in to Worcester MA.today and ck. the oil,water and gas and I am off.I know I am jumping the gun.But as someone said from the Minuteman club every trip I make is an adventure for me and my 1940.See you all at the meet.Everbody have a safe trip and God be with you



  7. Biting at the bit.Just can't wait to start my journey 19 days and on the road.I put on a new carb,distributor,tune up,and a new manafold. I hope i have all the tools i need (hammer and screwdriver) I wish everbody a good and safe trip.

    See you all at the form breakfast.

    Have a great BUICK day

    frank (BUKE)

  8. I to believe JACK WELCH was expressing his thoughts and his position.that is one of the reason's he recived mY VOTE.if every candidate did the same i am sure it would be better for us all.If you read his announcement that he was asking for your VOTE and why everybody would see he is not a follower but a very good leader.He will listen to the membership before he act's He is always open for ideas and suggestion and a very strong leader.But whom ever you like VOTE.LET'S have the best candidates you feel is right for the whole B C A VOTE

    Have a great BUICK day


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