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Everything posted by Thriller

  1. All I'm going to add is that anyone who calls the Dakotas and Nebraska flat needs to get off on the side roads...Max earned his keep on this trip and is taking a well deserved rest.
  2. No '54s that I've seen yet Lamar...nice little '62 Special DeLuxe 4 door...for $1500, it would be a great start for someone into the hobby. There's also a pretty nice '57 Caballero and a '50 as well as a convertible...I want to say '70 Electra, but I don't recall for certain.
  3. If nothing else, we learned how good Mark is at opening presents. There were a lot of laughs.
  4. It would be cooler that way...temperature has been rising as we've been driving south I'm the son of a farmer...and a man on a mission...I'd rather get up with the sun (or shortly thereafter) and get there rather than lollygagging in bed
  5. And with wireless Internet access.... So, on Friday, reported rainfall 12-13 miles west of the farm was about 1.5 inches to midnight...and it kept raining all day Saturday. I was a bit concerned, but I knew if Max had any issues, I could always use the tractor to help out. Max did OK, then there was a break in the rain, and Ellie did her thing, even though it was a bit of a tight squeeze. Sunday was uneventful...the border crossing went easily...of course the fellow made me open up the trailer :cool: The only thing was pulling through without wrecking their signs. Oh, highway 281 west of Devil's Lake, ND has been moved. :eek: We were driving along, and suddenly there's water on the road with a road closed sign...we detoured...can I haul a car to a National without driving on gravel? It was kind of amusing watching the TomTom try to get me back on the road...we went further west and found...highway 281 :confused: We kept going south on it...if I had the nag feature enabled, I'm sure I'd have been told to get back on a road. We eventually made it to Steele and checked in. Then we checked out the world's largest sandhill crane. We got going about an hour earlier today than yesterday (no surprise) and things went relatively well...I suspect the diesel pump set up for semis caused me to not quite fill the tank, which created some difficulty as the somewhat sparse communities made planning fuel stops difficult. A bit of construction slowed things down as well, but it wasn't too bad. For any motorcyclists, highway 83 through SD would be a dream...with a truck pulling a 22' full of Buick, not so much...not quite nightmare, but doable. We saw a couple of deer and pheasants (we have them around home, but not in so many numbers). Finally hit NE...the TomTom was again confused regarding routes, so it is good to have a map. Here's a shot of Valentine...thought it was kind of neat. We're now in Thedford and on to COS tomorrow...the time we arrive will depend somewhat on whether or not we get going on my time or on other peoples' time.
  6. Inject some fun into the party...inject the watermelons with vodka
  7. LOL...enjoy guys. Since we are staying a bit out of the way on the way down, I may not have Internet access until COS...we'll see. I'll be taking some photos along the way mind you.
  8. Mine finally came earlier this week...I started a bit at the front, but am generally keeping it for a bit of reading on the road. I'm sure I used to get it a bit earlier in the month, but never kept track overall. At the farm today, I may also pack a year's worth of old Bugles to bring down...I'm slowly starting to get through the collection that I got from Ewing.
  9. We haven't had quite the heat you have Pete, but it's like a switch got turned on mid-June from cool / damp to hot...we didn't get our usual adjustment time, so this fat boy has been suffering. Temps are supposed to be mid-80s in COS...hopefully the humidity will be a bit lower than here - we're having a system move through here starting yesterday dumping 2-4 inches of rain...hopefully it won't be too interesting getting the trailer out of its spot this afternoon. Hitting the road tomorrow...about 1100 miles or something like that.
  10. Have you checked the BCA Judging Manual? It's at http://www.buickclub.org/BCA%20JUDGING%20MANUAL/BCAjudgingrev2.pdf Autocolorlibrary.com doesn't list code 432 (430 is the closest it gets, but almost appears they may be missing the next page which would have it). Good luck.
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