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Everything posted by BQUICK1

  1. BQUICK1

    Wood trim

    Anyone make any REAL wood trim kits for Reatta?
  2. I was wondering the same thing. BTW - reg NA Series II is 205 hp Supercharged Series II is 240 hp Is yours supercharged? Bruce
  3. Man, that's kinda scarey! I hope I remember to remove the POS not the NEG when I get around to doing it! I'm kinda leery of an 13 yr old air bag (sounds like a teenager of mine) even working properly esp. considering it was the first year they were extensively used. I know they can save lives but I'd rather not have it in my face. The 90 steering wheel is pretty ugly and has gotta go......IMO Bruce
  4. Harry, I need a good blue drivers door panel for a 90 Riv. Thanks Bruce
  5. Has anyone compiled a list of items that interchange? One thing I was wondering about was door panels. Bruce
  6. I heard someone in the Washington, DC area won her car from MTV and it is now for sale. Anyone have any more info?
  7. The worst jump start is of a completely dead battery without charging some first with the donor car. As soon as the cables are disconnected the alternator goes nuts (charges at full capacity) and will often burn out esp. if AC and headlights are turned right on. Bruce
  8. Mine (88) has both IGN and Door
  9. Mine idles rough, hot in gear. Idles at 625 in gear....too low? Also, is the shock motor mount difficult to change? Bruce
  10. I got the plastic covers for the screws of the interior door pulls but can't see how they go on.....I guess I could use silicone. Anyone have the same experience/ Bruce
  11. Anyone shed light on this?
  12. Someone was trying to tell me that 88s did not come with remotes but were set up for them. I didn't think that was the case...... Bruce
  13. Tried to EMAIL.....did not go thru.
  14. Yeah, I did that to mine also but now it makes a BOING sound from the stainless when going from reverse to neutral. Any one else have that noise? Kinda cheesy sounding but not as bad as the chimes!
  15. Kinda bummed out.....ordered the Automobile Quarterly back issue a few weeks ago online from booksforcars.com for $19.75 Called to check on the order and they say it didn't go thru and now the price is $49.95!!! That's not nice....I guess they saw a demand and jacked the price up. Bruce
  16. Thaks Geoff that was it! Finally
  17. No, it's weird page 1 and page 10 are both bold for some reason, like both are selected. Bruce
  18. When I open the Reatta forum it always goes to page 10. I then have to click on page 1. Does anyone else have this problem?
  19. BQUICK1

    Check this Out

    Yeah, it seems like every 10 years or so they come up with a winner. 1967 new V8 430 (became 455), 1986 Regal GN/T-type that really ran, 1996 Series II V6 205 HP, 2006???300 HP Supercharged V6 with RWD?
  20. BQUICK1

    Check this Out

    Yup, some highly modified ones have now hit the 11s without nitrous. Man, if they were rear wheel drive I would sell some cars and buy one.... But FWD has come a ways and gets the job done on the street. Bruce
  21. BQUICK1

    Check this Out

    They call it a Grand "Nation"! You don't think 285 net HP will put it in the 13s? That's more than the 86-87 Regal GN/T-type and it ran high 13s/low 14s. Approx the same weight....
  22. BQUICK1

    Check this Out

    I want it!!! I heard they run high 13s off the showroom floor!
  23. A major reason to chane oil is to keep the hydraulic lifters working properly. I bet that 1952 had solid lifters, like the slantsix Mopar.....it could be abused. But if you ever have to take it apart and work on it it will be a freaking mess of goo if the oil wasn't changed. I just took 2 high mileage 455 Buick motors apart. One was clean and the other had sludge on the oil pickup (almost clogged), black goo and charcoal bricket like chunks of burned oil in it. Guess which one hadn't had the oil changed regularly. It's like saying so and so lived to 95 and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes. So it can't be bad!??
  24. Sue...I know not easy to find one....that's why I do my own work. The Reatta is fairly conventional compared to my Fiero GT's which very few will work on, even though it's not that weird..... I recommend Ken Pilleggi at Dodsons Texaco on Rockville Pike. Honest and skilled but I only use him for things that I can't or don't have time for. Bruce
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