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Posts posted by lrlforfun

  1. OK  Buick People: A friend is looking for  the entire power window guts including frames for the rear quarter windows.  He has already been treated for sticker shock. Any leads  including components or interchanges are appreciated.  Thanks, Mitch

  2. OK Buick People: Definitely a Le Sabre wagon. All roof drip molding and door window post trim was optional on Le Sabre wagons.  Invictas has standard roof trim, drip molding trim  and door window post trim was optional. Electra wagons.......made ya look. haha   Mitch



    BTW,  We used Easy Off oven cleaner to remove the signage  in the 60's.

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  3. OK  RRB: You are the man! I'm really diggin' your work on these caps.  I do the wire caps myself. I buy busted and rusted wire caps and condense them into sets of various conditions. I've been doin' it for years and I must have a large stock. Perhaps one day I'll cut 'em loose but for now I just like makin' mud pies with them. Proceed with the fun!!!  Mitch

    • Thanks 1
  4. OK Riviera People: OPGI'z catalog cover is sexier than a men's magazine cover, Their staff? Among the nicest folks you'd like to meet. That's where it ENDS.  Their staff knows GTO'z Chevelles and all that A body stuff but they DON'T KNOW A FIRST-GEN RIV!   Next............their products are crap.  Next........their prices are not competitive.  Next.........their return policy is unreliable.  Wow, how to A body people put up with this???   I personally know this as I gave them an order and it was horrible. Mitch

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  5. OK Buick People:  I seemed to have read that as the result of the Hydra-Matic plant fire countless number of safety items were incorporated in future plant design through out all industries.   And a question.....as a substitute did Dynaflow equipped cars have torque tubes?  Mitch

  6. OK Riviera People: These flips ain't got the nerve to put their cars on the money the first second.....or even the third time outtta  the chute.. They have to kick the horse about 183 times before they will admit it's dead.   Remember at 5 grand everybody in the history of old cars is salivating. At his price?  That's why we're having this conversation... Mitch  

  7. OK Riviera People: Except for the filler neck and it's angle the First-Gen Riviera tank is the same as a 1960 Buick.  This is good news!!!  An old tank, unless it's really clean can re-contaminate a good carb causing oooodlez of problems.   Here? A tank boil out is $125 and sealant another $150. So how much is that?  A fresh tank?  Oh baby, if the price is just a wee bit more it's a real bargain!! Mitch

  8. OK SurfGeek:  Well, well, well....The 4 cars are all sharp looking . Ed Raner mentioned a/c. MUCHO IMPORTANTE in the Sunshine State!!!  When a Riv's a/c unit is right it WILL blow ice cubes.


    Here's my take for what ever it's worth.........


    It's fun for me giving others advice.


    If you find a local shop you trust  that works on these type cars you're in good shape. 


    Expect to spend between $5,000-8,000 on your purchase to make it reliable. These cars are not rocket science but once you start getting into them shops charge for their services.


    If you find one out of the area.....BE CAREFUL because flyin' blind could get the cash register ringing loudly.


    These cars are not an investment that you can bank on to appreciate.  They are much more than a disposable commodity though.  


    Everybody wants to spend your hard earned money.


     If you get one and it isn't like you envision you can always send it down the road.


    A 65, much like a 59 vs a 60 impala, is worth considerably more than a 63 or 64. Not that they are so much greater, the differences are enough to really set it apart.



    I've been doin' First gen Rivs since day one when I was in the 6th grade and I might be biased.  Mitch



  9. OK Riviera People: I don't know about you but I have a hard  time shelling out that kinda cash  out at auction. I'd much rather hop a plane and meet with the seller, negotiate price, terms and conditions in person.  I also DO NOT TRUST most auctions because they are shilled or played with by sellers. I purchased more cars at auction and that's how come i know. 


    Perhaps this is self-righteous but....when I sold at the dealer auction i got on the block and represented my cars and got a good reputation from that.  Many pass because they fear the car they want is shilled. I also disclosed all the hidden defects. Yeah, the system was set up so the seller could get away with selling a car that needed hidden stuff but I didn't care. I did good for less energy and had fun to boot!  Mitch

  10. OK Riviera People: As long as you have the stomach for it, actually dropping the oil pan along with the Marvel's is the very best.  Having the stomach?  You might open up a big and expensive can-o-worms. There is at least an inch 'a sludge laying at the bottom so cleaning the pan like new can lengthen oil life, and reduce contamination.  Marvel's Mystery Oil must be used with every oil change. Fresh 10-30, MMO and a fresh filter Berryman's B-12 in the tank and having your Nailhead (or other lawnmower engine) running on all 8 with good carburation and tuned up will give trouble free performance.


    Like i said, I sold thousands of cars in my carreer and this combo was really terrific! 

  11. OK Riviera People: Internet diagnoses?  NOT HAPPY.  1. Isolate every component. pick a starting point. It could be anything. I had a 65 Riv mimic the same vibration and it was a bum center support bearing/driveshaft issue.  Without isolating each component in the system, who the hell knows.  Isolate each component, eliminate it then move on.  Transmission might  eventually have to  come apart from the motor to isolate that section. .  Mitch

  12. OK Jojo: I'm confused. The given here is that


    1. 65 standard frames are different custom.


    2. Your car had originally had custom, now has standard


    3. You are getting a custom set from Clarks (very good outfit)


    My question is.....were the reupholstered seats standard or custom ORIGINALLY before someone else  re-upholstered them in standard?    it seems like that's what you'll also need to know.  Mitch

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