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Posts posted by lrlforfun

  1. 47 minutes ago, KongaMan said:

    The problem is that most of them have too much mod and not enough resto.


    Which is to say it's often a euphemism for "hack job".

    OK Riviera People: I'm with Chip 100%.  For example, when the sheet metal on the front clip is  REALLY straight and true these cars pop!  Lotsa guys shave, lower, what ever. Yeah, it's their car bla bla bla, Bottom line? Get that front clip really straight and it makes the entire car pop!  Mitch

  2. OK Buick People: A Le Sabre Custom with a/c. In Fresno, ya need a/c!  Looks good. If the seller had a buncha wiggle room someone could knock the hair off this thing and have a fun driver. Fresno's flat as a pancake so a/c and the 340 are not gonna be a big issue.  BUT.....that 340, especially with a/c and an air pump is not a good engine and  due to the age and mileage it may NOT have much of a life span remaining.  Mitch

  3. OK Riviera People:  As ALWAYS....ya gotta see it in the flesh. Bring a towel to place over the seats  so when you sit in them you don't get armor-all all over your fresh pants.  The comments on the selling site? Don't read 'em because they're not too helpful.


    This really isn't that bad. A set of steel rims, whitewalls out and wire caps would really change it's appearance. Exhaust and Bumpers are easily swapped out. No a/c and no power windows could be a BIG plus as they always wind up a pain..   All in all, it could be made very striking with not that much dough spent on it and who knows BUT......it looks like it may have a short punch list 'a things needed to make it a super cruiser, reliable and very road worthy.   


    I say that if someone can snag this car for  about $7,500 they'd have some wiggle room (another 5 grand) to do improvements and really have a sharp and enjoyable  64 Riv.



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  4. OK Riviera People: Lotta price folks out there. Premium cars and their ego wants an over premium price.  NO MATTER!!!  Ya want it?


    Contact the seller.

    Ask questions and get a vibe with the seller. 

    Get dialed into what the seller really wants and if it's in your wheelhouse...... 

    See it in the flesh.  Drive it.  Physically look at it and put it in the air.


    If the seller is legit he will accommodate you on every point I've  said. if not? MOVE ON.  Come to purchase?  AND  BE PREPARED TO GO HOME EMPTY HANDED if it ain't what you want for  what ever particular reason!


    This eliminates all this bogus hocus pocus.   mitch

  5. 3 hours ago, KongaMan said:


    Makes sense.  The traditional market (i.e. old white guys) is becoming actually ominous, and they are either getting their affairs in order or their heirs/estates are disposing of unwanted goods.  IOW, a potential buyer has a greater selection from which to choose, which means more downward pressure on the price.

    OK Riviera People:  Chip's about got it. And painful it is. I'm 67 and I'm seein' old white guys, the people I've known,  droppin' like flies.  And these folks? The car people who loved the cars we love. The market has become very limited for many many cars. I think there are a few things temporary holding up prices.... but eventually they will tumble due to supply increasing  and demand decreasing due to the following.........


    The cost of restoration is through the roof and the number of people who work on these cars has been dramatically dwindling for quite some time

    They are still popular for now but Father Time is feverishly working on it's admirers and his shadow gets  it all

    The fed has a 10 year T-Bill at 2 3/4% for a while and it's going up not down. There are many other things that are in competition for investment



    So there you have it. So in the meantime....enjoy the ride.  Mitch


  6. OK Bob: I put in 4 quarts with the fresh filter and let it warm up. Then I check the oil and usually top it off with the quart of Marvels. The Marvels, fresh oil and driving these things as often as possible is the best recipe to keep 'em up.   Don't forget that carb too because now the gas tanks are dropping like flies and that contamination eventually gets to the needle-n-seat allowing lotsa gas to get into the crankcase which is disastrous.  Mitch

  7. OK Riviera People: I've been slammed by the best for sayin' this. New Old Stock?  How can it be new if it's 50 years old?  SO DECEIVING!    Why not "Unused old stock"?  It hasn't been on the car, it's old and it's been layin' around for who knows?  I know I can't change the world but i gotta put my 2 cents in the ring.   Mitch

    • Haha 1
  8. OK Daryl: I have the twin to your 65 Riv. Gold with a standard interior, power windows and a/c.  Trim rings on the wheels?  Hey, why not? It's a novel idea that doesn't chop up or molest anything.  Oh, I also have had several C-2 Corvettes but that ship has sailed for me.  Mitch

  9. OK Buick People:  I'm parting a 1960 Buick. https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/pts/d/castro-valley-parting-1960-buick/6784562351.html


    I need to get the parts car body count down and I'm open to anything.  Please let me know what you need!   NO SHIPPING so please don't ask.  Everything is in the San Francisco East Bay and local pick-up ONLY. if you have a pal in the area I'm willing to work with that but NO SHIPPING.


    Thanks for your consideration and................Happy New Year!!!

    • Like 1
  10. OK Skeeter: The numbers? Well, I guess if one likes statistics....ya know, like in baseball.  For 66 Wildcat purposes the 425 was the first to fall as they had less meat in the blocks. I have 4 425'z .30 over and many 425'z that are clunked out. The 401 was much better but at this point in time many of them are klunked out. Always stick 6 grand in the budget sooner or later for a re-build. And believe it or not, THAT could be a low figure at this time.  I base my statement on years of experience with these old heaps and my current ownership of more than i care to disclose.  Mitch.

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  11. OK  OIB:  When I had my car lot I'd tell my customers a few things. First, if you knew what went into a hot dog you may never even want to see one again.  The other? If I had a crystal ball we wouldn't be here having this conversation. 


    1. Just because everything is new doesn't mean it won't break down. If you had 50 64 Rivs in your fleet that were in daily service and the motors were rebuilt vs the motors not rebuilt you'd have some scientific data, otherwise you're only flyin' on your feeling of fear that you're gonna break down in the worst and most dangerous place under the worst conditions.


    2. Everything  new or rebuilt is NO guarantee you are gonna not break down or be trouble free.  Refer to my crystal ball comment.


    3. If I were going to have a shop do work I'd choose a local one. If it needs to go back you're local and not 500 + miles away.


    4. The forum's consensus is to perhaps check on a few things that ACTUALLY lower odds like belts, hoses cooling system service, etc.


    5. If you love the car and don't care about spending 20 grand rebuilding everything....it is your dough, and your fear that is propelling you.


    6. Trippple A is a cheap and excellent investment.  Being on the road with these old heaps and having Plan B makes every trip much more enjoyable.




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  12. OK Riviera People: I happen to be an expert on First-Gen front bumpers.  Yes, 63 and 64 Front Bars and lower vanances  are identical,  65 are different.  You can tell the 65  bar from the slight dip on top to clear the headlights. The valances on the 63 and 64 have a PAIR of holes on the side flange. Only one on the 65 and it is totally a different fit.  All the guards are the same, they're marked R and L. 


    All this is common knowledge. A secret? Make sure the bumper fits perfectly before going off half cocked to the plater. Many have been poorly repaired and replated and don't fit very well. Many get replated and the bends are off.  Been there, done that.


    Next. It's a 2 man job installing them. When you're ready....first have the nuts and bolts slick as a whistle so you can move them with your fingers  in the alignment process.


    Next. have a pal who REALLY understands how the bumper is supposed to line up.  I have seen guys put tons of dough in First-Gens and the chrome doesn't line up and it looks terrible.



  13. OK Riviera People:  I really need to get nasty here.  Carb King nailed it.  A diagnostic procedure is the only way to begin fixin' anything.   The question is  ALWAYS...."what is the diagnostic procedure"????????  


    I'm sayin' it and I'm owning it....anyone who suggests anything except this doesn't know what the hell they are talking about and lowers the bar for all.  Mitch

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  14. OK Riviera People: The part that sticks out.   Maybe......there's crap in between the skin and the shell?  Maybe the T bolt is spinning and not getting the bite that would suck the skin into the shell?  Maybe it's got new rubber ant it ain't squished right? Maybe the new rubber has too much glue or is not fastened properly?   Could be a lotta different reasons and  perhaps a combination. I'm gonna guess that a good body guy could figure it out pdq.  Mitch

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