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Bill Boudway

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Posts posted by Bill Boudway

  1. I have seen this thread the last couple of years; and I have heard about Moxie; guess it's a love it or hate it type of thing.

    Don't want to crash any parties, but is this something that is "open to the public", so to speak? ;)

    Also, I understand about not being allowed to sell stuff, but are "donations" allowed, to re-plenish the supply, after all...?

    Might hit the spot after slaving all day over a hot swap meet!!

    Hi, Yes, all are welcome. See you there. No donations asked. Don't want to offend the HERCO folks.

  2. Get your taste buds in shape for the 3rd annual MOXIE tasting.

    Thursday afternoon, October 11th, 4:00PM at Space # C2I-44 in the Chocolate Field.

    New this year will be a chance to identify the taste. Possibly a prize for the most creative answer.:opost-30916-143139178693_thumb.jpg

    Sorry, but we're not allowed to sell any beverages in the flea market.

  3. That would be 600wt steam cylinder oil. I'm not sure what the modern weight designation is.

    Available from Mac's Auto Parts, or any lube oil distributor.

    I bought a 5-gallon pail from our local distributor last year, and hope that it will last a lifetime in our Chrysler.

  4. Hi,

    Yes, Jim.

    I have Maine plates on our trailer, GVACS has them on the club trailer, and also, Thorps have registered their trailers in Maine now.

    You still can be stopped and cited for no safety chains, lights out, etc. Just common sense items.

    I was stopped by a local officer who wanted to know why I had Maine plates. I told him that we had property there and that made him happy.

    The pluses: Two year registration, no inspections, and reasonable fees ($12.00/year)

  5. Hi,

    You need to contact the folks in Maine to register your trailer there:

    Maine Sect'y of State

    Bureau Of Motor Vehicles

    Trailer Registration Section

    State House Station #29

    Augusta, Maine 04333-0029

    (207) 624-9000, Ext #52151

    They will need the following info: VIN: (make up a nice number and stamp it on the trailer frame), Model: Trailer,

    Color, Make: Homemade, Style: Utility, Number of axles 1(?),

    Registered weight: 2000 Lbs(?)

    The fee for us is $24.00 for two years

    Good luck.

  6. Many years ago, I was working the Red Field, now the site of the outlet stores, early in the morning.

    I looked at the parts that were being used to hold down a vendor's tarps and discovered a complete set of spare tire holders for our Packard Twin Six. The only set that I've seen in over 40 years of searching. Needless to say, it didn't take long to close the deal. $30.00 made the vendor and me very happy.

    It must have been a lucky day, as a few minutes later I found a pair of headlights, complete with bulbs, connectors and lenses for the car for $35.00.

    Years later, I was able to close a deal in the Chocolate Field for four Packard Twin Six fenders. $275.00.for all four. The vendor was anxious to sell to make room for the return trip home.

    Then there was the pair of NORS head gaskets for $15.00.

    It helps that the car is rare enough that folks don't know what they have.

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