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Mr. Reed

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About Mr. Reed

  • Birthday 09/29/1994

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  1. Fatsco came through for me and even had the nuts for the bolts. $20 for everything. Couldn't run the visa fast enough 😂
  2. Ok I'll call them tommorrow. If they don't have them I'll see how I can get you paid for the bolts /studs.
  3. Yup that's them. How can I pay you for them? Will fatsco have them ?
  4. Can you send me a picture of the bolt you have so I can compare? thank you
  5. I believe it may have vibrated loose on the tow truck on its way to the shop. The stud/bolt is 1 1/4 long the shank length is 1 1/8th long.
  6. CYou have the bolts with the circle head with one flat side? They are 1 1/4
  7. You have the bolts with the circle head with one flat side? They are 2" long
  8. Do you have a part # for these pins? Thanks nick.
  9. Yeah they are machined on the head to fit snug. The pin can be pushed back into the transmission and lost which is what happened to mine. All those other nuts are in place just like mine.
  10. If I can't find any I will make my own but would rather have the original.
  11. I believe there are 6 total studs around the tranny. Thank you so much if you have one that works.
  12. It's the stud in between the top center nuts. It has a round head with one flat area on the head.
  13. Yeah I should have worded that alot better. Thanks for the information I greatly appreciate it.ill call him Monday morning.
  14. I am looking for the torque converter to flywheel bolt stud because I am missing one. There is a 59 parts car near me but before I go tearing it apart I wanted to know if they are comparable or not or if someone has a 50 parts car that may have this hardware.
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