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arcticbuicks last won the day on February 1 2023

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    the last frontier for vintage finds-central Canada

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  1. outhouses were around for hundreds of years ......no reason to change ........then came indoor flush toilets.
  2. a funny feature in vintage russian cars is that they came with "Pills" in the firstaid kit........what the pills were for nobody seems to know.
  3. still common practice to start equipment and trucks mostly in extreme cold ,tiger torches ,propane blast heater or herman nelson heaters.....with blankets or tarps......if electricity isnt a extension cord reach for dual block heaters and electric battery blanket etc.......my diesel trucks have mini diesel fired boilers with recirculating pump that come on thru the night to keep the temp up............but still far better and easier than the 6 volts were and im usually able to get a Cummins started down to -30 with the 2 12 volt batteries with enough cold cranking amp reserve in a emergency
  4. how about -20 or -30 ? ........like i stated ...im not talking -2...........cold winter day in Chicago or North Dakota or Central Canada in the 1930s that people had to experience -30s or even down to -45 around here ?........below 0 is when things quickly change getting difficult......nice to keep a car in a barn protected from windchill also
  5. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/1.4842579 this is a great video of one the newer storage vault buildings ,for the incredible collection and other donations that come in,the building is climate controlled and the cars are somewhat preserved untouched for the future.I have toured these several times in working with the museum directors ,this is now a public owned museum and will be protected from being sold off in the future,the library is amazing and staffed with over 70,000 articles books mauals etc,you can call and ask for any year and model ,they will free of charge tell you what they have and for a fee will send you copies of literature you require..........the storage vault buildings are not open to the public ,there is one day a year for viewing but limited access.......I have asked the directors to do a private tour of the storage vaults for a group of AACA members only .......they told me they would do so if i wanted ........would there be intrest enough to have a group meet there ?
  6. starting fluid in a spray can was common for diesel .......and common to damage engines and stretch head bolts etc on gas engines........the only problem with spray can starting fluid in 'extreme' cold is that is dosnt spray as the cold contracts the contents of the can to the point of no pressure to spray....and yes as i stated any battery loses huge reserve of cold cranking amps ......and with the loss of cold cranking amps with a 6 volt ...there was not much very slow cranking left to start the engine in cold weather.....most 6 volt batteries have around 360 cold cranking amps and not much better than the old days.......however many 12 volt batteries have 800-1000 cold cranking amps.......so basically a 12 volt car will start 3 times better in cold and extreme cold weather which i have witnessed and lived thousands of times......and life depended on a engine starting in many situations
  7. I had a Lada 4 door around 1980 when it was a few years old just for fun and picked it up cheap ......great little car .......and later had a Niva 4x4.....was tough but failing standard transmission and front differential etc....but parts were so cheap in the 1980s in Canada for them ........seems they have become quite collectable now.
  8. Probably one of the biggest hourders of all time would be Stan Reynolds..........In just a few years, he had amassed almost unimaginable numbers: 2,000 cars, 1,100 tractors, 500 trucks, 200 steam engines, 300 threshing machines, 800 stationary engines, and 125 aircraft, as well as military artifacts, Indian artifacts and toys
  9. Interesting arguements on 6 volt being just fine......yes a 6 volt in your classic car today that I am sure you only drive on nice days maintained is quite fine.....or defending a Duesenberg or other large quality classic car starting just fine with a 6 volt......but lets back up to when these cars were driven in all weather conditions and not just taken out on a summer day today.....I grew up in the tail end of 6 volt cars on the road......in a area and country outside the warm USA areas and much the same as many northern US states or other countries experienced......where cars trucks busses equipment etc where being used daily which includes winter and down to -30s many days....and I am not talking -2 degrees.........is a Cadillac V12 or Packard or Duesenberg going to start just fine in -10....-20...-30 or even a flat head basic Ford ?.......NO....it was the biggest pain in practical use of the times......once started and running everything functioned and ran and operated quite well.........just that darn 6 volt battery was the weakest part of the car.......6 volt are slow cranking and now lets take away 30-60% of the battery power in minus freezing weather that any battery loses in cold weather.....diesels were worse and as most people know a diesel requires 150-250 rpm cranking to start and in cold weather very difficult to obtain with 6 volt batteries.....12 volts was a warm welcome to practical all weather starting and far superior hands down.....and in fact it was the smaller gas engines that started better in cold weather than the big huge engines .........I only remember a very odd few cars that were actually able to start in -40s degree weather that we more commonly had back then .......and I am talking without electric battery blanket or electric plug in engine block heaters plugged in overnight,without keeping the battery in the warm house before going out to start the car and without filling the engine with warm coolant before starting......and none of them were any big luxury big engine cars that started the best....and was truely amazing any started at all in those conditions,my uncle from Chicago who had big packards and came back home with family to northern Canada every Christmas and other relatives with Cadillacs etc.......ALL complained of the poor 6 volt starting in cold weather.......traveling and staying in hotels on the journey home around Christmas time with car parked outside overnight anywhere enroute sitting in a hotel parking lot in -30 with windchill of -60.............perhaps a good way we can all settle the argument....have a AACA tour of the Reynolds museum in Alberta Canada in January or February in say -35 dregree weather or even -20 if we do not want to be so extreme..... and get the museum to place some of the finest cars in cold unheated building a few days before along with 12 volt classics......I could probably get the museum onboard for a historical test also........it is quite amazing how a lot of newer cars start well right down into the -40s likely mostly due to 12 volts and fuel injection as well as being smaller engines.
  10. or legal in national park or provincial park area or heritage site
  11. The owner told me he cars right back to the oldest being 1915....many Canadian models I like seeing ,most of the cars are quite rust free and great pot metal finish ,if local car the area was quite free of salt use on roads ,cold long winters and hot dry summer ,they have lasted ok for parts cars
  12. I just returned from northern Saskatchewan with some big Pickerel and lake trout.......and was running late to stop at the place I mentioned earlier with hundreds and hundreds of old cars.......the owner was leaving and gave me 5 minutes to snap some pics for a taste of whats there........and he is willing to sell them.......so I will be back there very soon
  13. so.....let me get this correct....as I am a fairly new member.......if I live long enough as a AACA member........I will be a hoarder too ?
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