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Everything posted by Sloth

  1. Hello Alan, No, in a separate catalog the electric car made by Hercules/Westinghouse is mentioned, that is the only one. Regards, Harm
  2. Hello Joe, Than you for your comment, I find it very interesting. I searched the internet and my literature books , but no mentioning of Hayden Ames. To me its seems likely that he was involved in the delivery of parts for the manufacturing of the Cleveland. Parts, as rear and front axle, brakes and a lot of small stuff, as mentioned and pictured in the catalogs are exact (form and dimensions) what I have. As soon as I have my scanner up and running again, I will show more of the catalogs. Regards, Harm Slot
  3. Dear Alan and Mike, Thank you very much, but is way too much honor for me. I copied the drawing from an catalog of 1902 "Hercules light Automobile Parts". I just "beefed up" the drawing, retraced some lines and removed some specs, that all. As soon as I have the problems with the scanner addressed (firmware update gone wrong), I will show more pictures of this catalog. This one covers the rear axle. I also have catalogs covering the brakes, front axle and wheel section. Years ago, they were for sale at Ebay, not for long, I bought them all 😊. The catalogs came from an agent: Hayden Eames, American trust Building, Cleveland, Ohio. They were agents for Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co., Pittsburg; Federal Mfg. Co., Cleveland Ohio and the Cleveland Axle Mfg. Co. Canton Ohio. Gentlemen, I am sorry for the confusion. Regards, Harm
  4. Today I finished the machine work on the large sprocket wheel. The balance gear is complete now, except for the nuts to hold the pinion axles into the drums..... Can't find them 😟. All Parts of the balance gear (except for the small axles for the pinions). Next job is soldering the bronze gears on the axle parts HE36 and HE 37. Drawing of rear axle. Regards, Harm
  5. Hello Alan, A lot more, took me the greater part of the day. Easy does it.... Regards, Harm
  6. Hello, today I started with the turning of the large chain sprocket. To make it fit on the balance gear drum, a lot of metal must be removed. As I bought it, it has a large boss this too must be removed. So in the lathe with it, and I started making chips. Came half way today, tough steel..... USA OSHA and our ARBO officers would get a heart attack when the saw this 😊 (and right they are...) So no lose clothing and stay away from the chuck! Must admit, I don't like this job at all. Regards, Harm
  7. Hello Alan, The springs that came with the chassis where not usable (way to weak) and wrong with respect to the eyes. I had new ones made. Be careful with the spring eyes. On my Cleveland the front springs have one eye which points to the topside of the spring, the other eye points to the downside. At the rear springs, both eyes are pointing to the downside of the springs. It took some effort to convince the gentleman who made them, that the specifications where right. Spring specifications as they are: length between the eye centers 32", width 5 1/2 ", thickness of blades 1/4", number of blades 4. Ends of the 3 under laying blades are tapered and rounded (that part I did my self, took me two days...😏). I don't know what quality steel they used. I guessed that the weight (with 5 people onboard) is not evenly distributed front/rear. My best guess front/rear distribution: front 40% rear 60% . I guessed the whole car including 5 people would weight 1870 lbs / 850 kg max. As the wheels and the axles don't count in this equation, I subtracted 220 lbs / 100 kg for the two axles and 4 wheels, so the total weight for the springs will be1650 lbs / 750 kg. That gives a front spring load of approx. 330 lbs / 150 kg through each front spring, and a rear spring load of approx. 500 lbs / 225 kg through each rear spring ). So my spec for the springs was: front 330 lbs /150 kg nominal load, rear springs 500 lbs / 225 kg nominal load. Including the length and width , this was sufficient data for the gentleman to make the springs. To be honest, I suspect him, that he made the springs all the same, except for the position of the spring eyes πŸ˜‰. Regards, Harm
  8. Hello Al, For the rear axle no replacement bearing could be found. I just replaced the bearing balls, the races are more or less usable. For the front axle, I could not find replacements (odd size side contact ball bearings). I found taper roller bearings, but had to modify the hubs slightly. Regards, Harm
  9. Hello sir, Thank you for your generous offer. Imperial left hand thread is no problem, one of these days I will make the nut. Btw, I am very impressed by your outstanding work on the Mitchell. If needed, I guess you are able to build an engine from scratch. Regards, Harm
  10. Hello all, Today I went searching for the rear axle parts of the Cleveland. No to bad, on the end of the day I found all of them (I think / hope 😏). Most parts are OK, but I found something which displeased me to no end (years ago, and still increases my blood pressure). New 1/2" bearing balls, used for the 2 axle bearings. Balance gear -differential that is-, with sleeve gear not pictured here One of the six pinions As can be seen at the pictures at the introduction of this project, the pinions were missing and the two housing drums got a lot of beating to them. But after some patience and hammering, I got them in shape again. I had the pinions made by a company in England. The reason for this was, that to get the proper number of teeth with the given diameter, some undercutting is necessary. Could not find a company in the Netherlands who would do it for me, but got the name of the English company. I called them and told what my problem was. Well long story short, 6 weeks later I got six perfect pinions. I am very pleased with the result, and did not need to rob a bank for it😁 . Sleeve axle with gear and nut for fixing the wheel hub on the sleeve axle. As can be seen on the picture, the sleeve axle was also damaged by many hammer blows, it sat solid on the long live axle. It took a lot of effort (big hydraulic press and heat) to separate the two. Had the sleeve center-less grind-ed and polished. And now the part I really hate to report. When I disassembled the rear axle, and after some machining of the parts, I assembled it again. I could not get the axle running straight between centers, it wobbled. First I thought, well to much pressure or heat when I disassembled it. But after looking better, I saw some odd color differences on the solid steel axle. I took it with me to my work, and asked some friendly colleagues of the material research department for their opinion. Long story short, the rear axle bar was made up of three parts, welded together. Welding number 1 Welding number two I asked for a material analysis, both parts at welding picture number 1 are the same material. The steel properties are not bad (for 1902), but it has a very high carbon content and as such totally unsuitable to be welded. The pieces on the second welding picture are different. One is of 1902 or so, but the other is modern, something like C45k, and both are not suitable for welding. It really pissed me off then. I consider this kind of 'repair' very dangerous and very irresponsible of some previous owner. So I made a new one, safe but not original ☹️, end of story. Blood pressure decreases.....a bit. End of rant. The two sprocket 11 and 38 teeth 1"pitch, must be machined to fit on the balance gear and the gear box. Someone destroyed the nut which secures the hub on the axle, well its just left hand threat... Axle stay irons, have to make 2 new bolts Regards, Harm
  11. Hello Alan, Yes, I could not find a better description for the process I went through today. But on the end of the day, success (I think I re discovered all partsπŸ˜ƒ). Regards, Harm
  12. Hello Al, Cleaned the shop somewhat, sorted out the tools and had to do some household chores. Today another storm arrived, lots of rain again. According to the weather forecast, its the fifth storm this year. Slowly we getting some problems with the water, just to much rain. Our pasture changed into a swamp (no alligators -yet-). Coming week I will start with the assembly of the rear axle. First I must find all the parts πŸ˜‰. Regards, Harm
  13. Hello Mike, That is a really nice set of machines, and the tools come by the pallet load! Am i jealous, not at all, well maybe a tiny bit πŸ˜‡. As is mentioned before, I can only dream of it! Well, the McLaren, that super car is only meant to tease us, we are just a humble lot very old car drivers (both ways that is), aren't we? Mike, on a serious note, I hope your health will improve and wish that you may use your machines a lot, during many years to come. Regards, Harm
  14. Hello Alan, Whats in a name, they say.... well, to my humble opinion, a lot! Today the (new to me) 2nd hand tractor arrived. Yes the weather calmed down but it still rained a lot, no tractor activities. Furthermore the land is soaking wet. After 40 years of good use, servicing the loader is not too bad. Its seems a quality product to me. Regards, Harm
  15. Hello Alan, Very nice hinges you have. Are the made of steel or brass? I guess the name Harm is uncommon in the USA, even Harmon is not that common? Regarding the Cleveland: first of all, cleaning the shop, it is a dusty mess now. Tools all over the place, its a real nuisance. I hope on the end of the next week, to start with cleaning the chassis and make a fresh start assembling the springs, axles at the chassis. Regards, Harm
  16. Hello Mike, My name -Harm- is not that common in the Netherlands, most "Harms" can be found in the Northern part of our country. Furthermore, the name Hermann (2 n' s) is a Germanic equivalent of Harm, and much more common in some form, all over Europe. The meaning of the name is: warrior or soldier. In my family (with the surname Slot), as far as we can go back in time, the eldest son of a generation was named Harm. His eldest son was named Klaas, then Harm again, followed by a Klaas and so on. Tradition is strong here 😊. The equivalent in English is Harmon or Herman (with just one n). Just an anecdote, in which I could use my name to good use -more or less πŸ˜„-. In my professional life, I was head of a R&D department. It was a really tight knit bunch of nice people. One day a department member made a cartoon of the members of a particular group (tribe that is...) of the department. The cartoon was loosely based on the comic strip "Astrix and Obelix" (well known in Europe, no idea for the USA). The reason for this cartoon was as follows: a few years ago we build a new laboratory. But some of the department members ( the tribe...) where situated in a separate very old building (they lived there for ages...), the tribe refused to move to the new building. Well long story short, I was portrayed as standing on a warrior shield, which was held up by two strong men. I was told, it was my rightful place as head of the troupes including the tribe. They had given me the name: chief "Harmless", because I got things done but was harmless to my colleges. Well you could be depicted worse! But after some friendly meetings πŸ˜’, every one, (including the tribe) moved to the new building 🀭. You can achieve a lot with humor. It is one of my dearest memories.... Regards, Harm
  17. Hello gentlemen, no Valentine pictures for sitting in the tonneau (Al, sorry to disappoint you). Being not so athletic anymore 😁, we did not take any risk to climb into the tonneau (which, at the time, is not firmly secured to the under body). Today, I spend some time adjusting the rear entrance door, it fits a bit better now. Further, I made 2 hold down brackets, for securing the tonneau to the under body. Went well, I will assemble them tomorrow. Made them of hot rolled steel. The long parts are 1" x 6" x 1/4" thick. The square plates are 2" x 2" x 1/4". Thumb screw thread = 3/8" UNC, wing width 1 1/2". Hold down brackets. Regards, Harm
  18. Hello, Today, I inserted the door into the body. The hinges are perfect, good quality and stiff fitting. Fitting the door was not easy and took more time than I thought. I am not satisfied, the gap on the left side is not parallel with the doorpost, furthermore the door is not flush on the left side with the body. I wait making corrections till the body is on the chassis and the chassis is on the wheels. As the body and the door are very rigid, there is not much "wiggling" room, well I can always make another door 😒. Open rear entrance door. Rear entrance door, not flush with body (1/4" deviation) Inside view rear entrance door. Sanding and filling again. After looking at the sales brochure again, it became clear to me that I forgot something quite important. The tonneau seats 3 persons! So I have to make a seat between the right seat and the left seat. I must say I have no idea how it was made in 1903. Never seen a car with a three seat rear entrance tonneau. Regards, Harm
  19. Hello Alan, Good of you to learn grafting, its not an easy thing to do. Yes, we will replace the tree, at the moment no idea with variety we will buy. Anna may decide on that πŸ˜‡. Regards, Harm
  20. Hello Alan, thanks. No evergreen trees over here, all trees in my neighborhood are at the moment leafless. Only the Ivy is has some green leaves. We have some large old Oaks, Birches and Willows. Further a variety of Apple trees, Prunes, Cherry trees and some Acacia trees, and one Walnut tree. In the spring most of them bloom very well, its a nice and colorful sight. A few years ago we lost a very large apple tree (she was at least 30 feet high), this, due to a summer storm with strong whirlwinds. I was very fond of that tree. The stump is still standing, could not bring myself to bring it down, maybe this spring. Regards, Harm
  21. Hello, today Anna and I started removing a lot of branches, blown off the trees. We are happy that no damage to our property is done. But we have still a lot of bad weather, wet snow, rain, hail and a lot of wind. After a while, we got wet and cold, so we retreated to the shop, where it is dry and warm. Started filling and continued to sand the body. Regards, Harm
  22. Yesterday, removing excess glue and started sanding the Cleveland body. Had not much energy and a terrible headache (not a hangover 😊, just an area of low pressure is approaching, that means bad weather!). Woke up this morning, a lot of noise outside. At the moment a heavy storm is blowing. They called her "Ciara", and a strong girl she is. The forecast for the next hours: she will increase in strength. Furthermore, thunder and a lot of rain, I think, we can do without this kind of weather. Mike you may keep Ciara πŸ˜„. Regards, Harm
  23. Hello Mike, no damage done I hope? At the moment Ciara -the storm that isπŸ˜ƒ- is blowing mightily over here. Two threes down and a lot of flying branches, and way to much water in the trenches. No Cleveland work today.
  24. Hello Allan, Sorry, can't tell, because my steamer broke before the cane was properly steamed. Thanks for the compliments. Regards, Harm
  25. Hello gentlemen, today I had a productive day. Started early, the target was to attach the moldings on the tonneau. First, split the cane in half round pieces each 1/4" thick (the cane has a diameter of 1/2"). I tried to split the cane by knife, it worked, inch by inch and not nice in appearance, but after 20 inches I was worn out . So, after a some heavy thinking (2 seconds), I just planed it to thickness. The planer made short work of it ( 1/4" thick). Tried to bend the cane, first by steam, but after half an hour the steamer gave up the ghost. So what to do? I could bend it by hand, so I tried it. Must say, it went really good, and much easier than I thought and managed to make them off one piece of cane for each side. All the moldings are done, even the door came out nice. I am relieved that this job went so well and quick, thanks to the excellent quality of the cane. For attaching the molding to the tonneau, I used PU glue and very thin nails (I used a pneumatic nailing machine with small 3/4" long thin nails with T-head). Furthermore, I adjusted the air pressure for the pneumatic nailing machine to the lowest possible, workable setting. If not, you shoot the nail right through the cane and destroy it.... Tonneau molding right side Detail of tonneau molding Tonneau molding rear side Tomorrow removal of the excess glue, than start sanding and filling all the small holes and sanding again and so on. That phase of the project is certainly not one of my favorite jobs, but I know, very important for getting a nice end result. One wood job left: the floor boards. I make them, as soon as I am really sure that the engine and the control mechanics fits under them. Regards, Harm
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