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Posts posted by Pilgrim65

  1. Hi Terry 

    correct , live in Southampton , beulieu auto jumble nearby

    used to go to museum as have always loved classic cars , my dad always had a few ,mind you he didn't consider them classic cars they were his everyday transport ,used whichever he managed to keep running  , mostly 30s and 40s , ford 8 , hill mans , Jowett javelin ,

    stardard 14 ,Vauxhall velox , Riley , singer, etc., used to drive them when he was at work , I was 13/14 

    you obviously know the area .



  2. Thanks Terry very informative , I presume they purchased and fitted to order on any car not specialised to any make or model.

    .I actually mounted it on a polished hardwood base and it sat on my mantle for over 30years , but visiting Bonhams one day decided to ask for valuation , persuaded me sell.




  3. Interesting , thought you might like to see this one picked up at an auto jumble in the 70s for $15 sold it last year at Goodwin auction for $1000, it's called devil in the wind ,but does anyone what it fitted on should be around 1930 




    • Like 1
  4. Thanks Mr Earl 

    sounds a great title for when it arrives , two legs to complete , being unloaded from container in Southampton UK today then transporter to Enfield UK to be containerised again , then shipped to Famagusta Cyprus about 5/6 weeks total they reckon.

    I Look at the link every couple of days can't believe it's mine and I'll be cruising in September !

    you guys will be the first to know , the day I drive out of docks.



    • Like 3
  5. Hi John thanks

    joined the Cyprus classic car club in anticipation and went to last rally , they lent me a 60s jeep , (rough ride) as you say mine should get some attention as not many American cars here , few mustangs , nice red/ white 56 bel air sedan , sexy black 70s corvette and a pink Cadillac with huge  fins ( not my thing , prefer less ostentatious lines of late 40s to mid 50) mercs are the most popular here.

    will post photos of next meet.



    • Like 1
  6. Hi Guys ,

     I read this post with interest and amazement , and I really commend the dedication , love and huge amount of time you restorers commit to giving these beautiful cars another life.

    i agree  it's hardly possible to do it for the money , I did a simple calculation 2500 hours even at a minimum of 10 bucks  and hour is $25k , but the skills required should be worth at least $40/50 so unless your restoring a rare motoring icon and can sell for a fortune it will never pay. I look at the prices for my favourite a 53 skylark and now relise there not so crazy.

    i have a frame off restored 53 special convertible  and now think it was cheap beacause if you say minimum $25k plus replaced parts it should have cost 40/ 50k at least but it wasn't , so I thank the previous owner for the all the work done especially if he did it himself.

    keep posting pics of progress and completed projects, love em.




  7. 2nd stage completed car lands in Southampton UK today , unloading and pick up transport to Enfielld shortly for shipment to me !

    clock ticking down. New carport ready 


    • Like 1
  8. 50jetblack  thanks that made me chuckle !

    joe , thanks , think it's the the most beautiful car I've ever owned , really excited , and thanks for your wishes about good health, 70 next birthday and had a few problems getting there , but quite good now apart from hip which I will get sorted. But lucky as many of my  friends are not as good and even lost some , so determined to enjoy life with my Buick for a few years yet . Good health wishes to you to and the rest of the guys on the forum 



    • Like 3
  9. Hi joe 

    hope you like the car , saw your 53 smart in black, note auto and power steering, little concerned hope I'm going to cope with manual and no power steering, but considering it's been driven for over 60years must be ok just different. Will post my reactions to my first drive. Probably take me back to my first car a 1952 Austin A40 Somerset , manual column change no power steering , a. Model which. I doubt ever reached the states.



  10. Thanks Mr Earl , I'm sure I will need your advice when car eventually arrives as I notice your the Buick knowledge specialist. 

    Friend has purchased a Buick shop manual for the car and put in trunk together with items required for next service so hopefully will continue the care she's had to date.



  11. since I purchased my 53 Buick special convertible , been browsing earlier models , love the 42 to 49 , recently seen a beautiful 47 same age as me ! Think may have bought if seen before  I d seen the 53 , tempted now ,but big hole in pension ,perhaps in a year or two when wife has accepted my first purchase!

    cheers guys 


  12. Old tank and Eric W many thanks for information

    kind of agree with thoughts about location on the 54 , interesting added issue about effectiveness , may not bother ,but will test with a 6v torch before purchase as I think expensive for what they are just a rim and glass. Appreciated  response.

  13. Hi  

    been looking at many 53 buicks specials on the Internet and by notice many have back up lights fitted on car body on each side rear just below trunk lid by the sides of rear light fins.  I wonder if they were an factory option as uncannily they all appear to be in identical position , if not a lot of 53 special owners have copied eac other! 

    As mentioned above  they are presumably fitted on trunk lid as standard on the 54 , I'm not sure which position I prefer but will try both before securing when I manage to acquire a pair. Some of you may think there not necessary ,but in the rural area of Cyprus where I live the it is very dark at night, there is little street lighting and  car parks are not lit and reversing could be a problem without them. 



  14. Hi 

    notice my 53 Buick special has no back up lights , but see them as standard on the 54 , anyone with a 54 , do they sit on outside face of trunk or are they recessed . If only on outside I shall try to acquire some for my 53 . Also are they switched independently or are they somehow connected to reverse gear. Any information appreciated.




  15. Hi guys

    reading this with interest , have 53 special , but not driven it yet as waiting for delivery.

    it has no power steering , wondered if this will be difficult and how much of a job changing it would be . Obviously availability and cost of parts also major consideration . Any views welcome 



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