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Posts posted by Pilgrim65

  1. For those who are interested the building in background in photo with Ruby  parked is Bellepais Abbey interesting place where still have concerts and whirling dervish dancers. Plus good restaurant with panoramic views, like the veiw shown which is taken from there overlooking Kyrenia 



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  2. Hi  folks 

    first treasure hunt for us and Ruby .

    The classic car club and a large construction company organised an  event for classics and their employees last week end. This was our third event  with the club for us  so at least we understood the directions leaflet , but again found controlled speed sections difficult. Trying to keep An old Buick to 22.7 mph for 20 minutes with a wobbly needle , impossible! We were canny though and tried to match  our pace and distance with the car in front and came 2nd in our class (touring cars) sadly to a Cadillac, who was serious enough to carry a stopwatch. Great guy though with 2 attractive co drivers, However I had a young potential car driver if she had her way!

    Well attended with about 80 cars and 300 people at presentation. 

    Very enjoyable day , nice cars, friendly people, good  food and faultless behaviour from Ruby for 4hours , enough said.

    Few photos of the day



    Ps sorry about my thumb!












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  3. Yes John 

    churches do remain , but  remains are all there in many places , but whatever you follow or believe in still very interesting , the history associated with each and the differing architecture, not into modern boxes either.

    this old one in current use.



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  4. Famagusta old city apparently has over 300 churches nearly one for every day of the year. Built by Armenians, Maronites , venetions , crusaders , and Byzantines , probably a Victorian British one there somewhere to! As it was a colony from 1878 till 1960 .

    Some of the churches are even built underground and were used when that particular religion was banned or frowned upon.

    one in background is one of the crusaders 


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  5. This tree  a ficus sycamorus was planted about the time cathederal started , about 1320 , so  nearly 700 years old , in Venetian times and  people found guilty of a crime or enemies in war , were hung in the tree and flayed alive, nearly as bad as the British favourite for treason, hung drawn and quartered!


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  6. Enjoying this buick life , completed over 500miles with Ruby . Visited Famagusta old walked city as planned all ok apart from return caught in a tropical storm , hailstones and rain so heavy we had to stop as couldn't see more than 10 meters . Had just fitted new wiper blades they worked fine and luckily have had roof repaired so didn't pore in , but quite a few drips and spray , quarter lights let a fair bit in as rain was horizontal. No lasting problems though gave her a good chammy and dry off inside and out .

    Few photos to follow , note sign about donations from US 

    Good day lots of intetest from tourists and locals 

    Hope you find interesting




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  7. Doug 

    you ve started a discussion here with my friends and I'm reliably informed the produce kept in the store/ warehouse was olives. , olive oil and carobs , ready for  exportation  and probably some. Imported products  like wine and  grain as there was a harbour there .



  8. Hi doug

    yes really enjoying car here , only Buick in north Cyprus .

    we also love old buildings , discovered  this particular building about 5 years ago on the old nearly abandoned coast road. From the stonework and style of arches most of us think it dates from ottoman times and locals say it was a store and administration centre for produce and trading. Probably most recently used upto about 50 years ago by Greek farmers and abandoned in 1974 due to conflict.

    there are many such sites here some dating back to Roman times  and castles built by Richard 1st at time of crusades and later venetians . Will post as I explore more with Ruby . Planning on visiting old walled city of Famagusta next week should obtain a few interesting photos.

    thanks for interest.



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  9. Hi Dan 

    great idea , John has already set me a task to get a good sunset , that was the plan today , but we live near a penisula and needed be on the other side as sun set behind hills on today's side . Determined now , watch this space ! 



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  10. Great weather here now for early evening cruise , thought may catch a great sunset into the ocean, but discovered on wrong side of  Karpaz , but still very enjoyable had a beer and took a few photos along coast road. Not quite Route 66 though!

    managed to get one old building but going to take Ruby to old city next week should be able to get a few interesting ones.







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