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Robert Street

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Posts posted by Robert Street

  1. Possibly the rolling stones 1965 concert in Greensboro NC and being part of NASCAR groupies but not being a driver as one of our members was. Oh, I also remember getting my drivers license in 1961 in a new 61 348 Impala! I didn't make it to Woodstock as some of my friends did!

    On a not so happy note I had two friends killed inVietnam in the 60's. I was born in 46!


  2. Mark my schedule this year is more full retired than when I was working! I am committed to the Richmond Show of Tommy Nolen's and the local AACA Club show here in Salisbury. National shows I am considering Houma,La as both my wife and I enjoy that area but scheduling might be difficult. Hershey also.

    Hemmings would like Lloyd's 62 SD at their Sarasota show as that car would be enjoyed up there and I am considering but haven't scheduled.

    Come on over to Richmond?

    oh, I have a 3.8 pound Yorkie full grown but she can't reach a fender as too short!


  3. Mark I must admit Friday afternoon weather on the Bridge Tunnel wasn't a good experience nor was 264 with traffic and rain but the show and Sat weather was great with minor mud on the vehicles.

    Using the air museum was great and I hope you can continue. Why wait another five years just rest up and do it again!

    the comment I would make is that the spacing was tight down at 36. I brought a 62 SD Pontiac and being a wide car plus big 60's doors we had to hold the doors as they would hit the adjacent two very nice cars if didn't.

    enjoyed it and post some pictures


  4. I also agree aftermarket mag wheels should have received the max because you cannot deviate farther than aftermarket mags. Had the car had incorrect sized steel wheels that were correct type for the car then I think that would be where two points per wheel would apply. Yes, I observed some other aftermarket items easily rectified but not knowledgeable how those were scored. Tires and batteries are appearing to be a more common aftermarket item I have seen.


  5. This is interesting thread and am enjoying it. BUT, I will have to read some more in the Maryland Commercial motor carrier book as well as the federal book both of which I keep in the truck. I also have been stopped many times the last few years and even been "run down" by MSP troopers. In Maryland you cannot be non commercial if your GCVW is over 26,000 pounds. Luckily my aluminum trailer allows me to do that but I have to have a commercial medical card when towing over 10,000 GCVW which all of our rigs are. Maryland is the only state I know of that does their inspection stations by pounds rather than class of vehicle. All vehicles over 10,000 GCVW must stop on the scales including on the interstates. Most of the larger scales on I 95 and I 70 don't have too many chase persons available to run people down. I can say I have been green lighted at all interstate scales in Maryland but rarely green lighted at state highway facilities. Pennsylvania and Illinois appear to be aggressively starting to be like Maryland.

    I will check the Federal book that addresses the 26,000 GCVW commercial issue by looking in another section of the Manual.

    Oh, on motor homes yes they are exempt in Maryland as well as federal BUT they have an overall length maximum that is less than the Federal in Maryland.


  6. I have towed all over the USA. Good equipment is cheap. Always go with the best you can afford. If you haul the big iron, you need to go with the best, or your life is in danger, and it's very easy to wreck you car. I have been suffering LOTS of tire failure the last two years. I used engineering and a few bucks to solve the problem. It just arrived yesterday. This rig tows like a dream with the triple wide spread set up. My 2000 F 350 power stroke I bought new has only 80 k on the clock. The trailer is 36 foot V nose. It is BIG! Has an extra foot of height. I wish I bought this 5 years ago!

    I am assuming you have towed through Maryland before thus are properly commercially licensed the truck properly commercially licensed :)

    Nice rig wish I could legally have one in Maryland


  7. I like Tommy's support for the Va Beach show. Can't out muscle Tommy the ol master but the new parking site facilities at this show means we will be bringing down a rare unreal muscle car that hasn't been shown publicly since 1988 and has never been shown at an AACA show so come to the beach and support class 36.


  8. Interesting debate but as specific to the Va Beach show I was not bringing my car down when the original parking facilities were revealed as much too far from showfield. The parking facilities now leased on the site has caused me to change my mind and another car owner and I will be there.


  9. Mike I thought Atkinson was a larger scale commercial supplier of mainly solar type systems. Yes, you can mount a solar mat on the roof and keep the trailer house batteries charged. If your Jayco is wired as I suspect then why not use it thru the 4th terminal as already there and wiring on your trailer is probably already fuse protected on that circuit. I have seen some decent solar panels that would literally burn out very expensive batteries as the voltage produced wasn't properly regulated.

    just thinking?

    will you be at Phoenix? I am trying to plan that event


  10. Marty nice trailer. My ATC was built by a company near Forest River with similar items except mine is a roll up door. I like the floor side lights and floor lights. Saves chewing on a mini mag! But! With those axles and tires I suspect an over 10,000 pound GVW placard on the tongue. You are in commercial territory in Maryland! Other states are considering this I am learning as it started with the Maryland requirement that you must cross scales if gross combined is over 10,000 which all of us are that tow auto trailers.


  11. I am seeking a 22-24' enclosed trailer. Must haves is 1' extra height and white. Prefer 14k GVW, will settle for 10k GVW, Most important, not 3000 miles away. I am in RI. Any ideas? Your local Craigslist? Prefer new, will settled for slightly used. Ready to buy.

    Tom there is a large trailer dealer in northern NJ that probably has in stock what you want. Have you looked into the requirements you might have to deal with in some states with a 14K trailer?


  12. I take that as a yes. So I will be there with my 1970 Chevelle SS

    oh oh another 36B class car! Welcome to an unbelievable large class. I am only 120 miles from this show so intend to be there also. Selma isn't that far either so see you there.


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