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Posts posted by Hans1

  1. Four  screws to hold the metal top on the vacuum tank was used on Essex cars thru 31 and likely 32.


    The system works as a two part system.

    the outer tank is the reservoir for the carburetors operation.  fuel is supplied to it by the  inner tank thru  the flapper valve.


    The inner tank is the Vacuum reservoir and controller  of fuel delivery.


    The inner tank has the float and it is connected to the  two little "L" shaped rods which open and close the vacuum supply and opening to  atmosphere.

    The lower flapper valve is important to seal the inner tank so vacuum can be applied to gas line to tank.

    Normally the gas level in the outer tank will help seal  the flapper valve.


    The top inside of the tank top, needs to have the check valves cleaned,  I use carb cleaner spray.  thay 

    Please remove fuel inlet elbow to top of tank, check there is no filter gauze or other obstruction below it.

    Next, carefully check sealing surface of flapper valve, It must seal, you may be able to remove clip holding it and reverse the flapper it self.

    In addition, there is a small  vent on the top of the tank.  This must not be blocked by the gasket material, it vents the outer tank to let fuel feed to carb.


    Without personal observation it may appear you are sucking fuel back into the tank from the carb feed line, or just not drawing enough into   the tank.


    good luck 


  2. The Mill and Drill for the space frame was very interesting to watch. After Mill and drill, many of the  "pads" that had been machined were of varying thicknesses. 

    This was the method of equalizing the finished frame for fitting body and other components.


    A side light from the   Fiero Plant floor: personal experience and observation.

    When attending my first meeting, and walking in a wide walkway to attend a meeting and view line operations, I was showered with sparks from a welder some 45 feet away and behind me at a 45 degree angle.   Wearing wool slacks and a cotton dress shirt I was a mass of holes on my left and back side.


    Now  being aware of the possibility of needing more clothing on subsequent visits I observed  the welder from a distance .  The operator  seemed to note single walkers about to pass by, and rotated standing position and repositioning the spot welding gun, would appear to shower the single person with sparks.

    there were some chuckles about it in the meeting, but ......................


    At Cadillac, we had a Superintendent bent upon starting his own  company to install larger engines in the Fiero, nothing came of it that I know of.................Differential issues were an issue, along with others.



    Started crusin Woodward in a "51 Kaiser, 54 Buick Century, then Pontiacs 60, 63, 65, 68, then Fords.

    In '91 gave wife a '91  Stang   GT convertible,  use it every year.

    I think the '60 Poncho with tri power, munci 4 speed and 3.90 was the best!

    Our anniversary is the 19th, so the cruse is a good reminder...............to get the car ready................!

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  4. Vacuum brake or clutch or trans shifting item.

    Looks smaller than many I have had, the adjustable inner clevis would fit over a specially sized tube riding inside the bigger clevis end.

    Adjusting mechanism on center rod-clevis for adjusting  operation.

    The connection to what ever system it was intended for  is via another  clevis connection.


  5. July 1962:   After being stationed in the orient for two years, I was leaving North Island NAS using  the ferry boat  the "nickle snacher" which left us off at the food of Market street in San Diego harbor.


    I saw the most beautiful convertible, light purple incolor, with white interior stopped at the light and then drive by..............................!!


    When I learned it was a previous years old  car...................

    I could not believe what Ford did the following years for styling.





  6. There may be a tool to use the two holes in the rim, but the tool I use is a split rim tool.


    Go to EBay, enter "vintage split rim tool", you will see several for sale. (None are mine)

    Two of my automobiles had 30 by 5 tires which translates to 20 inch rim by 5 inch width.

    6.00 may be to wide for your rim?


    the movable screw portion is usually placed 4 or 5 inches away from the split in the rim.

    the other two legs are spread apart to spread the load on the rim.

    rotate handle to cause the rim to be drawn in toward the center, just enough to release it from the tire and permit it to be spiraled out of tire.


    The split rim, using the tool, can be rotated (screwed ) into the new tire, watching for the valve stem placement.


    The tool  can be cranked to force rim into position so you can use movable locking pivot to engage.

    Not a hard job at all, good luck.

  7. Mr Pulfer always carried his little book of Car makes with him, saw him and his book many tines at Hershey. Did get some  emblems from him occasionally.

    Years ago at Hershey, rummaging thru piles of literature,  I found his little book, With his name etc and with his notes on colors and had written descriptions.


    I had forgotten about the string he had thru the book as a loss prevention step, until I saw worn hole in it when purchasing it.


    He was a neat little gentleman.

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