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Joe in Canada

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Posts posted by Joe in Canada

  1. 4 hours ago, padgett said:

    Best things about Albuquerque are the hot air balloons and the sopapillas.

    And the baretto food truck across from the u-pick it yard. But there is another great food stop at the Willard Cantina in Willard and one of the the waitresses there is from BC Canada. Anyway back to the auction.  Sorry Xander for getting carried away.

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  2. When I was a member with CCCA we went to the Gilmore for a weekend event. We stayed the full weekend there were everyone else left the Sat evening making our car the only one left in the lot that night. They had a security guard sit next to my car the full night.  

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  3. We were there for a stop on the Glidden tour in 2016. CCCA was there for one of their Caravans that week also but we chose to go with VMCCA 

      You really have to sit down and consider what the builders went through to get the large glass windows up that remote road. Just considering the conditions and equipment back then.

    The first Glidden was there in 1905 and check out the video on the road up there and the cars that did it.



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  4. 8 hours ago, trimacar said:

    Luckily the son has a good interest in the cars....which doesn’t always happen...

    My grand kids asked if I sold one of my old cars would there be enough money to buy a wake board boat.

    Right now the 14 year old is at Whistler for two weeks with his team practicing snow boarding. My old cars will hit the auction block real fast when I am gone.

  5. 10 hours ago, Cadillac Fan said:

    interesting. I know of a guy in the states with a 60 Cadillac Seville and a v16 roadster.  He restored the roadster himself over a long period of time and finished it in the last 10 years.  Interesting to think of two guys with Essentially the same two cars. 

    The car when new was sold as a roadster in the Boston area and my friend bought it in California when the restoration was stopped for some reason. 

    The next time I go to visit him I will take some pictures of his barn finds. But with the pandemic it may not be until spring time.  

    Should get these two guys together as Steve is also a hands on guy. 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Joe in Canada said:

    A friend has a 1930 V16 roadster sitting as a basket case for well over 20 years now that I have mentioned before somewhere here. The motor is done and the body re wooded in paint.  I did the frame for him many years ago and it has been suspended from the rafters over a very nice 60 Biarritz convertible I have not seen fired up in 30 years or more. Car is complete and then some with even new rear fenders from the RM metal beater. I was a little ticked about the fender as he came to my place to take a fender off one of my cars to copy, then dropped it off not putting it back on my car

    Being a basket case how is the market for these cars today.  What vintage of cars become basket cases and what ones become part cars? It would be interesting to see this car piled into apple crates and skids and put through an RM auction to see what the response would be!


  7. 7 minutes ago, 13CADDY said:

    Not sure if they like me or just like all my tools that they borrow.

    I know what you are saying as I had a very good friend ask to borrow a box pan brake and shears for the winter and I relented and said yes. The wife is not happy when I do things like that and especially when I do a door to door delivery. 

  8. My boys may be wright on me having too many tools, machines and equipment. As most car guys I have a hard time turning down a tool bargain as I could not pass by one again. I bought my 3rd band saw blade welder being able to weld and anneal from 1/8 to 1 inch blades with the push of a button. You just do not see them for sale very often and you should always have 2 spares.  

  9. Here is a 12 T I came across by accident when I was approached by a fellow in his 90s when leaving a parking lot. We stopped for lunch in PA on our way home from the 2016 Sentimental Tour and got sidetracked to the fellows basement to look a 4 cars he put away in 1942 before leaving for WW2. I made him an offer that he rejected as he wanted to sell them seeing his family had no interest in them. I told a friend about them and he also could not strike a deal with the fellow who wanted 2X the value. This pass spring a family member contacted my friend as the fellow had passed and bought 2 of the cars for the price of what I offered for one he bought. Now the cars are still sitting in the basement  seeing the boarder is still closed to essential traffic only.

    Just little clutter and a few cobwebs underneath.    

    2016-06-17 sentamental tour 003.JPG

    2016-06-17 sentamental tour 030.JPG

    2016-06-17 sentamental tour 019.JPG

    • Like 2
  10. 8 hours ago, Frank DuVal said:

    18 volts. Says so on the package. 

    If just removed from the charger, it is close to 20 volts. that is 4 volts per cell, high for Li-Ion. It drops to 3.7 to 3.6 volts per cell as a load is put on it.

    Very good! Yes 18 volts on the package but you really have to look for it.  The bold print 20 volt is all smoke and mirrors and is actually referring to the charger itself not the tool.

    John Deere and many other manufacturers that lost their law suit for over rating the motor size then had to reimburse  money back last year. Check and see if your mower is on the list for your refund.

  11. 13 hours ago, Restorer32 said:

    Whatever became of Ron Fawcett's Pierce 66s?  Many years ago we made a convertible top assembly for one of his cars. That was when I first became aware of the cast aluminum body sections.

    Peter has two of Ron's Pierces with one for sale . The daughter has another and John has one in baskets. Unless Peter sold it he had an extra cast body for sale also.  

  12. A friend sent me a link on a 1929 Canadian Buick for sale up here. Is this an original touring or has the roof been cut off? The owner bought it from an estate and thinks it is original but I do not know Buick's and have many questions. The windshield does not look right to me for one.  The chassis is totally done from tiers to motor but no pictures of that part to see. 

       Any thoughts??   Thanks Joe


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