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Posts posted by sambarn

  1. Nissan's Figaro, BE-1 and S-Cargo. Honda Del Sol and S-2000. Oldsmobile Aurora. There are a lot of cars desirable. Did I know that when I rode in my mom's '73 Cadillac that I would see one thirty five years later and have to have it? Heck no! Folks couldn't talk enough smack about The giant red POS in our driveway. A very different reaction to the car today. There will Always be Desirable and collectible cars until their are no more cars.

  2. The 61 is actually out of the shot and the 34 chevy is the mocha colored mass behind the "L" and yes the 04 caddy is hidden between the tractor and the E-75. I tried to set the shop up to show the orphanage. Morrises, flottwegg and merkles stayed in the barn.... so many orphans, so little room at the orphanage. It was the chevy I was refering to as the non-orphan.

  3. My 34 chevrolet had an adjustment on the carburetor to adjust for changing quality of gas. It covers the whole scale of gas chevrolet thought that their customers would encounter. The scale is from 26-48. I use only the cheap gas but try to always buy alcohol free. A little stabil or two cycle oil for longevity and we have years of happy motoring. Good Luck

  4. John, Welcome aboard. The calendar and the previous picture are featured pieces in the barn (garage). One of the other great decorating pieces is a "The Barn" ceramic piece done by either you or your brother. It's great to see you on here and hope we have a chance to meet one day face to face. I think i'M the only Barnett male to have not met y'all. I hope the members of this forum are as big a help to you as they have been to me. Aren't you a CZ collector? Legend is that y'all endedup with a CZ that had been gathering dust at our place. I think I still have the engine to that if you need it complete a bike. I can't invite you to be a member but if you come to an AACA event - you should look up the Buzzard's Breath Touring region. Their future leadership may be flawed (:)), but what a great group of car nuts. Your dad would continue to be proud! - Sam Barnett

  5. Office gray, my tank coating system is similar except I suspend a rope pulley from a climbing strap ( to provide swivel) and then attach the rope at the ends of the tank (two points). This gives me effortless ability to roll it to any angle. Best of luck - I have always used and am happy with the Hirsch products.

  6. Rattiac, I'm not aware of this trip you speak of.. Dirt road touring, that sounds like fun. I've taken part in two national meetings of the Lincoln Highway Assoc. and done several touring events but I don't know anything about this event What is it?. Please tell!!

  7. It's a shame that another great car will have a ridiculous amount of money spent on it just to destroy anything interesting or special (pardon the pun) that it has to offer. You will find little interest or advice here in destroying a piece of history. If you want a fast car with a loud stereo, buy a fast car with a loud stereo. If you want a fabulous original car, buy a fabulous original car. If you need help and advice converting a car to a loud fast car, you will find less than enthusiasm from the members here. I would implore that you try enjoying the car as it is. It is far less expensive and far more rewarding than a conversion and when you are done it's value will remain far higher than if you spent thousands on a conversion. Good luck whatever your choice.

  8. Sunday afternoon will include a short tour to a private collection that, I have been told, is well worth the lack of sleep. I hope to show the Keller at Lebanon and then haul out for PA saturday morning, stopping around Staunton Va, and arriving around lunch on Sunday in PA. I will then swap cars at a preset storage facility ( TBDm if anyone wants to help and look at a Keller in their garage for a week) and arrive at the tour by 2 or so....in a perfect world. Tight schedule but the two premier events of the year.

  9. Thanks Wayne good idea. I will have mucho documentation. I guess I'm just nervous. I've never actually done this before and the Keller is SO weird. I will be with the car and not judging so I can be. I sure am gonna miss Hershey judges breakfast and this will put a hole in the Hershey judge hat and car collection. Hopefully I can fill that hole with a duryea trophy!!

  10. The hard part is that I worked really hard to not over restore it allowing some really awful craftsmanship to remain. Thanks for all of your inputs. I still think I should call and give a heads up to the judge. After it's junior judging where I never met the team captain, wasn't asked a single question and never utilized the documentation I brought, I'm afraid with the 35B position that I will either get judges prepping for their class 36 sixties production car fiesta or tired guys who just finished vettes and t birds( like last time). I may also be completely irrational and Hershey region already has a team of highly experienced judges who are looking forward to judging such a rare thing as a restored prototype. Thanks again for any suggestions you have.

  11. The best music I've heard at a show was the cruise in at the Cleveland tn show. A brass Dixie land jazz unit also covering classics of the forties. Anyone who missed Marty Roth and I singing to the music missed very little but we had a good time. Give me live music any day. But let me hear the cars too. The basic question comes down to courtesy. I've also found a nmber of local shows being out on by guys with PA systems looking for an excuse to use them. Their first interest IS the music, not the cars or people and all the speakers point away from them. I have actually turned all four speaker at the DJ tent inward to face the Dj. He stomped up to me and said "are you trying to make me deaf??!!!? "

  12. So I'm hoping y'all can offer some advice. I'm showing the 1948 Keller in class 35B at Hershey. The car is a very authentic restoration, leaving every possible piece original and a great deal of effort went into allowing the true prototype nature if this car to show through. Bad metal work, chintzy hand cut rubber floors, poor wood on the original cieling frame work, body panels that don't line up, parts from at least a dozen other cars in it ( from the factory) and horrid scratches in the glass panels from sanders at the factory( the same bad glass is on all three remaining cars, matching sander marks and all).

    Im afraid that the judging team is not going to be aware that, sitting with deloreans and kaiser- darrins and Nash-Healeys is a true factory prototype or engineering mule. It's build quality is fairly awful but is dead on correct. I have notebooks if photos from the factory and most of the body alignment issues can be seen but will every judge believe that the voltage rectifuer IS and was from a 1940 ford or that the air cleaner is from a 36 Chevy truck or that the gauges and dash inset panels are from a 37 Pontiac. Will they even ask or take for granted I've used other car parts to complete the car.

    We are hoping to get our senior and small details matter. My question is this. Would it be a good idea to call the chief judge and try to help prep them. Would this seem to leading or needy? I'll have the car there all week and can give a ten to two hundred minute CJE style class on how the cars were built. What do y'all think??

  13. frank West,

    You need to go to Hershey. hundreds of cars for sale(although asking prices are usually an inflated Hershey price) and you can peruse, ask questions, kick tires and then while you contemplate, you can cruise the flea market for parts and relative costs. There is no better place in the world or time to look at old cars. I show that as a 66.9 mile drive. Carry cash, snacks, a bag and good walking shoes. Also try to make the show on Saturday. If you see something you like, go talk to the owner. most are there with their cars and will talk about their toys as long as you'll listen. It's a truly special event and with your proximity and desires, seems only natural. Good Luck!! (I'd type more but I gotta go pack for Hershey!!!)

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