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Posts posted by sambarn

  1. Thank you all -my lists basically doubled in size since this thread began ( how could I have forgotten the manual??) Now I have to find the spare parts and test drive the trailer - hopefully all the advice in the trailering and towing section will help.

    David - feel free to hop in the rumble seat or, if I scare my mother enough, in the front for any part of the muster you desire. Thank you again - You have all helped relieve a good bit of worry for me. So - off to Huntsville for more practice and start loading the trailer!! Marty I have you're number with me and I will take you up on the phone call - just let me get my questions ready first.

  2. Ben Franklin said It is better to keep one's mouth shut and allow others to think him stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. I'm heading to the garage to polish something and grumble about everything that bothers me to the one object that never tells me to be quiet and allow you all to contemplate my ignorance.

  3. This September I will be taking my mother and and my Father's 1927 Marmon e-75 to the Marmon Muster and Dayton Concours. If you knew my father, the famous ronbarn, you'd know that it's a shame that I did not learn more by osmosis but, fathers and sons......

    Anyway - this will be the first tour oriented event I will be taking part in and I am terrified!! As far as driving the car goes I have been practicing (without my mother in the car!) and feel fairly confident but there is much I need to learn. I am turning to the forum on this Father's Day for help with all the other logistics of touring - what tools do I really need - what things might I want in the trailer - what eventualities need I prepare for, etc..

    I am half decent wrench turner and the Marmon club has many great tech. advisors but am a simple neophyte when it comes to what might be needed on tours. Do any of have any suggestions, lists, tips or advice that you would be willing to share - I'm very excited about this and look forward to the event but could sure use the help of those more experienced. Thanks -Sam Barnett

  4. Altough a mere shadow of the man perhaps I can help here - I think this might be a 1927 Model "L" Marmon -the basis for the Roosevelt/78 series. I would have to go to the Garaj Mahal (100 miles away) to be sure. You should check out the marmonclub.org member cars for some reference then ask those guys - they'll identify it, I'm confident. Terry - Thanks for remembering Dad. I woke up this first Father's day without him and thinking of him led me here. Thanks guys!!!!

  5. There has been a small SNAFU with regard to timing ( why we always left "number" stuff with the engineer, not the librarian). Services will be held at 11:00 AM for my father, Ron Barnett, not at 10:30 as previously stated. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has submitted, read and uploaded pics onto the forum. This forum was one of my father's great prides and to have been used as a remembrance forum for him means a lot to our family. Many of our friends and family from outside the carworld have Googled his name and this is what they have found.

    It has been said that a man is defined by those he is surrounded by. This forum has helped many our friends see what a great man he was simply by the great company he kept and how he was looked up to and admired by his friends. Thank you for this and for your years of friendship and love of my father.

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