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Everything posted by 2doorcoupeman

  1. Did anyone catch the "great idea" proposed by our new head of transportation?Paying by how much you drive plus at least the state tax on gas.It was shot down by the chief of staff but still you wonder how much money they supposedly need.They just got billions in the stimulus package and still hungry for more.There already has been tests done in a couple of states.
  2. look inside the van and see the hippie frozen in time
  3. The wife is thinking,"Is this the part of the marriage where it says'for better or for WORSE'?"
  4. I sure do hate walking from the car to the house,house to the car,every day.Hmm now if I can just fit my recliner in the driver seat and maybe the tv in the passenger seat.
  5. Well,let's just say that the president of the Moose Head Lodge enjoys his job very much.
  6. "honey do you think we will have any competition in our class?
  7. "Sure is hot today,I wonder if there is any cold drinks back here."
  8. well I see the "travel luggage" doesn't match the rv but it'll do.
  9. good luck to the officer trying to write a ticket for running those red Light(S).
  10. Does the Piano player have a muffler on his...?
  11. So this was Hitler's plan of world conquest.Buy a bug and get eaten by it.
  12. From the album: Member Galleries

    Here is something GM seems to have a problem with.Making a full size 2 door hardtop coupe.Those were the days..sigh.If GM Board of directors had their way they would probably not let us drive these classics as well.They know what is right.
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