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Does this fan pulley look worn? ('24 DB Coupe)

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Ordered a shop manual this weekend but today while adding new oil and water to my '24 DB coupe, I removed the old fan belt which was a real belt, a size 30 leather western belt connected with haywire. Unless I'm mistaken and the pulley was built with a "gap" in the middle, it seems that the haywire "connectors" on the belt completely wore through the fan pulley leaving nothing but the edges of the pulley. Am I correct in this assumption? Does anyone know where I can locate another pulley? <p>DB_Fan.JPG<p> DB_Fan(3).JPG

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Your pully is shot, You will need to find the fan and pully as a unit. I don't know of anyone who rebuilds them. I will check to see if I have one. </div></div>

Gboy, your help is much appreciated. Today I installed a new battery in the coupe and found that both headlights still work. The car was backed into a west Texas barn in 1942 so there will undoubtedly be more things that will require attention before I can fire it up. I still have a cigar box full of old keys to go through to see if I have the key to the ignition. Not looking forward to that. Thanks again. I can be reached at NOSPAMrmclend@wildblue.com by removing the NOSPAM part of the address. Ron

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That is the best looking pulley I have ever seen! lol Yeah it is shot! As far as the key, look closely on the ign switch, it will have a number. Find the matching number on a CLUM key and you're all set.

Really like your car and what you are doing with it.


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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Ron:

That fan belt that you have is actually the way they used to put together universal belts and you can still buy belts that way with metal clips. I might have the fan you need and I will check the garage tonight. </div></div>

Jan, thanks for checking. I am sort of at a standstill now until I can locate a fan. <img src="http://forums.aaca.org/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


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