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Guest BigDan

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Guest BigDan

I plan to put my '89 in storage for several months next winter and was wondering what I can expect with regards to the touch screen from the battery being disconnected. I would like to avoid surprises! I'm a new member and really appreciate this forum !!

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I have an '89 that I don't drive all winter. I has set in a heated garage for 4 or 5 months at a time and has never failed to start on her own power (no jumper cables). This past winter was the 8th winter that I have owned this ride.

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Some say it isn't good to start occasionally, and I kind of agree. I and several customers of mine who collect vintage automobiles use a charger maintainer. An auto store will know what you are talking about if you ask for it. They are not expensive and charge at a trickle rate till almost charged, when they shut off. I've used one on my Reatta every winter, and they work great. As inexpensive as they are, however, I recommend replaceing them every couple of years, as once an old one went wacky on me.

Look up some of the old posts, but from what I learned, I move it (without starting) every couple of weeks to avoid flat spots in the tires. I also use Sta Bil for the fuel in the tank, which I keep close to full. With those suggestions, you shouldn't have any surprised unless you have a mouse problem in your storage area. There have been discussions about using moth balls in the car, but the smell can be a problem. I think an alternative may be to put a tin of them near where mice could enter. I also change the oil before and after storage. It's cheap so what he heck.

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Guest BigDan

Thanks for the info Chudik. I had hear vicious rumors that the computer would go crazy and the touch screen would be all out of whack when you re-attached the battery cable. Any thoughts on that?


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Guest BigDan

Thanks for the info TomT. I was wondering about the effect on the computer and the touch screen of disconnecting and then reconnecting the battery cable. Any thoughts on that?


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Guest CL_Reatta

I don't see how any of the electronics could get messed up by just being disconnected from the battery, afterall, the electronics are taken out and sit for months if not years in parts cars and re-sold and when put back into cars they work perfectly fine.

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Yes I have.

It's just really more of a pain than I want to do if I don't have to. I have my battery and charging system checked occasionally at my dealer who knows Reattae. Invariably he doesn't realize the data he loses when he disconnects the cable. It isn't terrible or anything like that. Radio channels, average MPG, clock etc. There just is no reason to do it if you don't have to, and charger maintainers eliminate the need. Believe me, you will disconnect the cables for some reason, just dont' make trouble for yourself that you don't need. Disconnecting does no damage, however, to answer your question.

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I do not disconnect the battery. I do use stabil in the last tankfull. In Minnesota we have gas with 10% ethanol. I stay away from that gas all the time. There are some stations that sell premium (for off road use and cars registered as collector vehicles.) Although my Reatta is not old enough for collector plates, it is unique enough that the station attendants don't question my fillup. Besides, I only burn about 50 gallons per summer. Summers are short in Minnesota.

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Guest TommyH

from what ive heard, the cat will be completely destroyed if lead is in contact with it. but thats just what i heard

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Guest CL_Reatta

One of my buds thats a co-op mechanic said that he heard (one of those "I know a guy that knows a guy that knows a guy etc." type things lol) that leaded fuel helps clean out the engine, much like how regular fuel helps clean out a diesel engine.

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Guest BigDan

Thanks to everyone who chimed in on my battery disconnect question. I'm a little nervous about the electronics on the car.

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The purpose of lead in gas was two fold. Frist, it enhances the octane rating of the fuel. Foremost however, it provided lubrication to the valve and valve seats. Today, cars have hardened valve seats to make up for the fact that fuel no longer has lead. As an aside, I recall back in 1975 when leaded gas was being phased out, much was said that all cars older than 75's would only run a short time on unleaded fuel then would require engine rebuilds. Never happened. I'm sure perhaps a few under severe service conditions may have had failure, but most did not. I've owned a 56 Continental Mark II for over 25 years, and while it does clatter abit under load on the less than 100 octane fuel for which it was designed, I've had no other problems.

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