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What does the Model T mean to you?


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I am a graduate student at USC and am doing some research on the Ford Model T. I am interested in hearing some of your feedback into the true meaning and personality of the Model T brand.

Specifically, I was hoping that some of you may be able to answer the following questions:

1. What are 3 adjectives you would use to describe the Ford Model T?

2. Do you feel as though the vision, mission and values of the Ford organization today match the same persona of the Model T brand? Why or why not? Where are there similarities and where are there differences?

3. What is it you respect the most about the Ford Model T?

4. What would you classify as the signature characteristics of the Model T?

5. If you have any negative connotations toward the Ford Model T, could you please identify and explain those to me?

Thank You! I truly appreciate your feedback.

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Mulshinem, a couple of comments on your inquiry, primarily question two:

The "T" was probably the most influential vehicle to date. While Ford was not the only person driving the auto industry in its early stages he is most responsible for putting the country and beyond on wheels. Contemporary cars at the inception of the "T" were many times pricier, playthings for the rich. By the end of the run, the fact the "T" had competition overtaking it in the low price field was a little ironic, but Chevy and many others probably owe their existance to the market created by the "T". If you have done your research you probably already know Henry Ford may have loved his "T", but he loved his factories more, his true interest. As he improved production techniques and lowered prices he actually made more money, but never through planned obsolesence - those strategies and other cost cutting by cutting corners were a long way off. This philosophy does not seem to exist with any of the modern manufacturers, although admittedly some Asian imports have done well by packing a lot of value into their products. It may not be fair to compare today's operating environment to that of the "T" era anyway. Researching this should be relatively easy as there are many publications out there on Ford, including some very critical looks at him as well.

3 adjectives - "revolutionary" "honest" "American"

Good luck with your paper.

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