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ROA membership renewal


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When am I going to be able to renew my membership with the ROA on the computer with a credit card, or paypal? I have been waiting and my membership has expired. I joined using paypal and now that option seems to have disapeared. I realize there has been some changes with the leadership of the ROA, but I do not even own a printer to print out the form on the website. Also, I can not post to the riviera list. Is this because my membership has expired? I want to give you folks my money but you have to give me a computer friendly way to do it. Please.


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Hi Carl,

Just last week, we finalized the paperwork with the bank to accept

credit cards. No, it is not available online yet. And, we will be

working on Paypal availability online in between handling renewals

and new applications. I have no ETA when it will be available.

On this renewal cycle for you, would you send me an e-mail (you

don't list your e-addy on your profile) and I will send you a renewal

form for you to fill out with your CC number and snail mail back to me.

Or, as Rob mentioned above, give us a call.

To date, we still haven't received the ROA properties from Beatrice

and we're operating for the time being by our shirt tails.... we really

appreciate you guys patience and continued cooperation with us.

Thanks from Altoona,

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